Appearing on the Alex Jones radio show May 26th discussing a variety of issues, Congressman Ron Paul said that he 'had some reservations' about Arizona's new immigration law, SB 1070. 'I have some reservations about that law, but not its' intent', remarked the former presidential candidate and libertarian icon, whose son Rand Paul just won the Republican primary race for U.S. Senate in Kentucky. Paul is not the first conservative libertarian to voice concerns about the law. Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano disagreed with the law and predicted it would be ruled unconstitutional in the courts. Arizona's Earnest Hancock, a longtime libertarian activist and designer of the 'Ron Paul rEVOLution' logo, opposed the law for privacy concerns and had mounted a tough fight for the bill's proponent Russell Pearce. Pearce then angrily referred to Hancock's activities as just short of 'domestic terrorism'. Hancock's lawyer then demanded a retraction and a censure of the senator.
In Wednesday's interview, Ron Paul explained that he understands the motive for the law and that people are simply frustrated with the Federal governments lack of enforcement of existing immigration laws. Jones did not ask Paul what his specific concerns were. The comments can be heard at around minute 40 in the first hour of the May 26 broadcast here.