The whiners and complainers of the country -- tea partiers, far right conservatives, racial bigots, birthers, conservative Republicans and others -- feel that the country is headed in the wrong direction. In 2001, Bill Clinton handed George W. Bush a large surplus in the U.S. treasury, and it took Bush two years to turn it into a large significant deficit. In 2009, President Barack Obama is handed the largest federal deficit in history and an economy close to a real depression due to Republican big spenders who think the only answer is to lower taxes to the wealthy.
The Democrats passed the stimulus plan that is getting people back to work, and the economy is starting to move in a positive direction. In addition, Obama has cut taxes for the middle class, as promised, and managed to pass a health care bill with no help from the Republicans.
According to the Washington Post, the Republican strategists for the midterm election are planning more tax cuts for the wealthy, a revival of the Bush plan to privatize Medicare by using vouchers and a plan to allow individuals to take their Social Security and invest it in the stock market. Republicans should have leaned their lesson from the current debacle on Wall Street.
Republicans should stop using Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin as sources for reliable information. It's like listening to Looney Toons.