Title: Letter to Texas AG Abbott Re: Healthcare Lawsuit Source:
SCRIBD URL Source:[None] Published:Mar 24, 2010 Author:Texas State Legislators Post Date:2010-03-24 18:53:01 by Skip Intro Keywords:None Views:1043 Comments:4
You will be laughing out the other side of your mouth when your "Progressive" friends who run the FARO RESERVE BANK and enforce the "Progressive" INCOME THEFT start bringing the same INCOME THEFT enforcers after you for not having health insurance that satisfies their regulations.
You will also be laughing out the other side of your mouth when your "Progressive" friends at the FARO RESERVE BANK present you with the NEXT DEPRESSION to slather us with more big government.
If you are lucky we conservative patriots may have enough control of the FIREARMS INDUSTRY in this country that the INCOME THEFT enforcers won't be armed when they come for you for not having the "right" health insurance.