Title: Gazan Refugee Warns the World about Hamas Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:May 23, 2024 Author:Prager U Post Date:2024-05-23 23:41:40 by A K A Stone Keywords:None Views:582 Comments:5
For the good of the Gazan people, Hamas must be eradicated...MUD
And for the good of the world, eradicate Ayatollah Khomeini also who is supplying Hamas with missiles -- and arming the Houthis and all the bad guys of the East.
It is pointed to -- literally -- by the bad vector of the Apocalypse which points to all of the demon-possessed kings of the East who start the Battle of Ar Mageddon.
They are to receive a plague of exceedingly great hail (dropped by Israel's F-35's?).
I agree that Iran must be dealt with before they achieve nuclear missile capabilities. I have little doubt Iranian Islamofascists would use said missiles to attack Israel. In a perfect world, the Iranian people would rise up and overthrow their leadership, but I ain't holding my breath...MUD
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"