Title: Are The 4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse About To Appear? Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:May 5, 2024 Author:Ricky Scaparo Post Date:2024-05-05 00:22:25 by A K A Stone Keywords:None Views:2023 Comments:2
You futurists are hilarious! The four horsemen started appearing the day the sign of Christ appeared in the clouds and Jesus appeared to Constantine and said "By this Conquer." The next morning he put the sign on all his armor and, riding a white horse and carrying only a bow, he conquered all the known world for Jesus and His Church (just as prophesied).
The fourth conqueror was George Washington, of course, the only conqueror, before or since, to ride a decidedly pale looking blue horse, which are extremely rare. Our weapons truly bring hell and death to all the enemies of Jesus, as prophesied.
And watch out for that 5th horseman who will rule with a rod of iron -- probably a M-60, my favorite rod to carry. He is responsible for "The Marriage Supper" -- the proper marriage of Church and State -- where half the population will die. Two men will be in one bed, one life will be taken, the other left. Two women will be grinding, one life will be taken, the other left.