2023 Hottest in over 120 Million Years (plague #4 -- Rev. 16:8-9)
Last Plague # 4 (men are scorched with heat) is accelerating at a much faster rate than any scientist predicted with their dated theories. (They failed to consider the God-factor). 2023 is said (by Scientific American) to be the hottest year in 125 million years.
In other words, the hottest year since the dinosaurs rumbled around at the (ice-free) poles, and almost half of the U.S. was under-water.
Debunking the Myth
There are some who say that 2023 being the hottest in 120+ million years is evidence that global warming is a naturally occurring cycle.
But they are wrong because there is a cause and effect for everything. The global warming occurring 120 to 125 million years ago, during the Cretacious period, was caused by massive outflows of lava and green- house gasses resulting from the movement of tectonic plates after the break-up of Pangea, the super- continent created on Day 3 of our Genesis.
Moreover, three of the four similar periods of global warming are also attributable to massive outflows of lava caused by the Earth’s tectonic plates moving around. The latest one, 56 to 60 million years ago, is mainly attributed to a lava-spewing fissure that appeared when Greenland separated from Europe. Plus, India was moving again, generating lava flows known as the Deccan Traps.
Another time when the poles warmed, 200 million years ago, a huge eruption of lava and greenhouse gasses occurred when the American continents first split off from the original supercontinent – creating the Atlantic Ocean.
Before that, 252 million years ago, a massive outflow of lava erupted from a fissure that developed in Siberia, called the Siberian flats, causing still another period of polar warming.28
But today there are no such lava flows, and the only possible cause is man-made global warming – methane from cows, another myth, not withstanding.
Barry Midyet