Suppose that the U.S. were at war with Canada. Dont laugh; South Park devoted an entire episode to just such a conflagration; if they, with their usual keen insight, could depict such an eventuality, it could indeed actually occur. Also posit that Russia took the side of our neighbor to the north in this altercation. No, Moscow did not declare war on Washington DC, but it did everything else short of that to support Ottawa: it mobilized all of its allies in support of the True North, Strong and Free. Together, they sent tanks, warplanes, ammunition to Canada in order to help this country fight off what they thought of as unjustified aggression from America. How would the US likely react? It is difficult to be sure. Alternative history of this sort is fraught with difficulties. Nevertheless, we are going to take a stab at this challenge; we are going to engage in a leap of the imagination. We are going to speculate that the US leadership would not be a bunch of happy campers. Far from congratulating the Russians for their support of the underdog, for what they regarded as an entirely North American matter, they would be rather resentful. They would think that this purely local matter was simply no business of the Russian bear.
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