In the 1960s cold war dark comedy, Dr. Strangelove, a rogue general initiates a bombing squads raid of Russia in an attempt to start a nuclear war. Obsessed with bodily fluids, this general, barricades himself in at a military base coveting his launch codes. Meanwhile diplomatic efforts are being conducted to avoid all out nuclear war. In an underground base, generals and the president find out that the Russians have a doomsday machine that would respond to a preemptive nuclear strike by the United States. Dr. Strangelove, the aged NAZI scientist working for the Americans, points out the stupidity of having a doomsday machine and not telling anybody. The Russian diplomat mentions that it is unfortunate that the press conference was scheduled for the following week. After eventually recalling all the bombers, through American ingenuity, one bomber gets through Russian air defenses to hit its target. The esteemed generals and diplomates then begin planning their underground existence. Essential government employees and politicians would populate this underground community. This new community, of course at the suggestion of Dr. Strangelove, would entail a proper ratio of men to women that would afford a high quality of life and the best possible outcome for procreation and repopulating the planet. Ten to one, if I recall
Naturally these women would be attractive and of child bearing age.
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