Title: Memes Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Feb 6, 2022 Author:A K A Stone Post Date:2022-02-06 14:03:37 by A K A Stone Keywords:None Views:1461 Comments:19
#11. To: Stoner, A K A Stone, TheRock aka Xi Jinpingz Ankle-Grabbing Lackey aka LeBron James (#6)
Why ELSE would DemRATZ hold SOOO devotedLEE to their Fauci-induced WorldWild Pandemic other than the desperate knowledge that they STOLE the 2020 Presidential Election by over-reacting to the Covid scare and liberalizing voting rules beyond all measure of fairness. Without rampant--and OBVIOUS--cheating, the DemocRATic Party stands to get DESTROYED in November 2022 and November 2024...open House/Senate investigations into the Communist Chinese Party openly buying the members of the DemocRAT Party in exchange for policy decisions that have undermined the National Security of the U.S. of America shall be commenced and DemocRATic appaRATchix shall be frog-marched to prison. TraitorJoe Biden is NOT above dying in a prison cell...Sloick Willie is neck-deep in Chi-Com payola as well.