Title: "The A.N.S.W.E.R., my FRiendz..." Source:
Black XVI URL Source:https://freerepublic.com/focus/news/849830/posts Published:Oct 18, 2021 Author:Mudboy Slim Post Date:2021-10-18 10:24:42 by Mudboy Slim Keywords:None Views:352770 Comments:4422
"The A.N.S.W.E.R., my FRiends..." (To be sung to Bob Dylan's "Blowin' In the Wind")
How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man? How many Dreams must each Tyrant kill before he's forced outta Power? How many Lives must Dem Socialists kill, before RATZ are forever banned?!!
The A.N.S.W.E.R, my FRiends, is Lib'ralismz DEAD!!! The A.N.S.W.E.R. is fightin' 'gainst RATZ Spin!!
How many Fears must the Networks create before RATZ're quashed by the FRee? How many years can RAT-sheeple persist that Mass-Murder's just peachy- keen?!! How many times can RATZ Hearts trick their Heads, pretending Slick's blacker than me?!
The A.N.S.W.E.R., my FRiends, is helping FReep RATZ pigs, The A.N.S.W.E.R. is blowin' out the Ditz's!!!
How many times must Lib'rals be duped before they will see RATZ LIE? How many victims must Sosh'lists have before Dem Rapists hear OUR cries? How many deaths will it take 'till World knows that Central Bureaucracies are VILE?!!
The A.N.S.W.E.R., my FRiends, is Fightin' 'Gainst RATZ Spin... The A.N.S.W.E.R. is taking down BIDEN. (gettin' outta the UN?!)
Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963
Current Communist Goals
Thursday, January 10, 1963
Mr. HERLONG: Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla., is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism, and until recently published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America.
At Mrs. Nordman's request, I include in the RECORD, under unanimous consent, the following "Current Communist Goals," which she identifies as an excerpt from "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen:
[From "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen]
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.
9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. [LOL...DemocRATZ were all over that one, weren't they?!]
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old- fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.
43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.
Note by Webmaster: The Congressional Record back this far has not been digitized and posted on the Internet.
It will probably be available at your nearest library that is a federal repository. Call them and ask them.
Your college library is probably a repository. This is an excellent source of government records.
Another source is your Congress Critters. They should be more than happy to help you in this matter.
Webmaster Forest Glen Durland found the document in the library. Sources are listed below. The quote starts on page 259.
California State University at San Jose Clark Library, Government Floor Phone (408)924-2770 Microfilm Call Number: J 11 .R5 Congressional Record, Vol. 109 88th Congress, 1st Session Appendix Pages A1-A2842 Jan. 9-May 7, 1963 Reel 12
The book was found in the off campus stacks, was ordered and checked. The quote above was checked against the original and is correct.
The quote starts on page 259.
California State University at San Jose, Clark Library stacks call number: Naked Communist HX 56 S55
Book title page: Skousen, W. Cleon. Naked Communist, The Salt Lake City, Utah: Ensign Publishing Co. C. 1961, 9th edition July 1961.
342 posted on 10/19/2001, 3:16:27 AM by Mudboy Slim
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"I Want You/We'll Git You" (To be sung to Bob Dylan's "I Want You")
You're guilty 'cuz yer minions spied... Your feckless Sycophants, they lied... Yer feeble saxophone says WE...MUST DETHRONE YOU!! You'll go to Hell 'cuz yer a WHORE... Good folks curse your face with scorn... BOY, YOU SHANT GO FREE, so help me Lord...we'll get you!!
While weak-kneed politicians sleep... The Left-Wing Med'yuh luvs ya, creep... But Patriots continue to FReep...Jail waits fer you!! 'Cuz the Lord is King and He is Just... In prison, BOY, you will end up... Yer apologists' will soon fess up...We'll sing fer TRUTH!! I want you...I want you...Slick, I want you...sooo bad!! Willie, we'll git you...
Boy, while phat interns may go down... True love, you've been without it!! Yeah, them Socialist Whores...you they'd crown... Can they stop us?! I DOUBT IT!! Slick, children burned in yer Waco Raid... And Elian, he shouldda stayed... Reno's Justice it ain't...her soul will BURN!!
Slick, yer just a FREAK... Now, yer tramplin' our Liberties... But this here's the Land of the FRee... Yer World we will...SHATTER!!!
Bill, you SOLD OUT to them Ol' Chinese coots... Who choke the FRee with their jackboots... Yer Evilness seems so kewl to them...TYRANTS!! Boy, we'll git you becuz you lied... Becuz you took us fer a ride... And becuz RIGHT is on our side...becuz I... I want you...I want you...Slick, I want you...soooo bad!! Willie, we'll git you...
(Harp jammin' to fade)
Good to see y'all...MUD
481 posted on 10/25/2001, 8:40:15 PM by Mudboy Slim
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"Joe Biden's Final Scene" (To be sung to Bob Seger's "The Famous Final Scene")
Watch the Leftist's bridges burn... Yes, Joe's TREASON, it must end!!! Politicians rise and fall... Biden's spies shall fall, my FRiends!! Ev'ry fool must face his End... Like the Prez'dent and DemWhores!! Lib'rals, no it's not a dream... Folks, MUDZ viewpoint's not extreme... It's Joe Biden's Final Scene!
[To Joe Biden hisse'f] Joe, how you tried to make it work... Did you really think it could? How you LIED to make it last... Did you really think it would? DemocRATZ, Left's stayed too long... Now it's finally time Joe's freed... Boy, it's finally time you leave! JOE, you know just what I mean... It's JOEZ Impeachment Scene!!
Right's been on your case so lo-o-ong... Lib'rals put on quite a sho-o-ow. Their Socialist Values are reviled... RightWing knew that long ago! Now the Media's all upset... And JOEZ lies are getting olde... Next election'll soon be here... And JOEZ Adversaries VO-O-OTE!!!
Nixon's ghost has been revived... And Joe knows it in his heart!! Next, the polls fall through the floor. When Joe's gone, Kamala starts. As Joe Biden hits the road, Joe looks different...looks deranged... Flying from his gilded cage! Now TRUMPsters take center screen... It's Dem Marxists' Final Scene!!!
Mudboy Slim
1 Posted on 08/30/1999 20:52:08 PDT by Mudboy Slim
Updated on 2021-08-12...MUD
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"Money Ain't Nuthin'" (To be sung to Dire Straits' "Money For Nothing")
I love the E-I-B...
Now look at Rush Limbaugh, that's the way to do it... Hosts a talkshow trashin' Hypocrisy. Rush ain't working, tells the Left to screw it... Beholden to no one...spoutin' philosophy! No, Rush ain't workin', that's the way you do it... Lemme tell ya, Ol' Rush ain't dumb... Ceegah danglin' from nicotine-stained fingers... Gonna help exposin' Lib'ral Scum!
Rush's show ain't no Oprah-style "love-in"... Got us brain-washed from noon-to-three-ee-ee! You choose the issue, and we'll debate it... We learn the Truth from the E-I-B!!
Oww!...Groovy Croonin'...hunh!...
See that Petey Jennings with the blowdry and the makeup... Tom Brokaw's vacuous stare... That Lib'ral Rather's got his own jet airplane... Left's IDIOTS...they're all millionaires!!
We gotta expose Guv'ment corruption... Gotta defend our Libertie-ie-ies! We're talkin' TREASON...the Left, they hate us... Won't trust the news from Network TeeVee!!
Lookatdat, lookatdat... Right's gotta learn to fight like Dem-Whores... Right's gotta yearn to crush Dem-Bums! Wake up, you Sheeple!! Big Guv'ment's threatnin' all your Liberties... Man, that Slick's just pond scum!! But Limbaugh's out there...what's that?! Chain-sawin' noises?! Carvin' up those Lib'rals...it's brain surgery! Folks, it's workin'...tell the Left to screw it!! Robs YOUR money for Guv'ment...sells Nukes to Beijing!
They're Lib'rals all...Reject Media Bias... Left-Wing bitchin', "Big Guv'ment, save me-e-ee!" We gotta oust those meek commentators... We gotta IGNORE our State-run TeeVee!! Lord!
Owww...listen here! Big Guv'ment ain't workin'...corruption runs all thru it... It's time we devolved Power outta DeeCee!! Folks, it's workin'...next election's gonna do it. Right-Wing holds Congress...retakes the Prez'dency!! Money ain't nuthin'...without Liberty! I said, money ain't nuthin'...if your kids ain't free!
Lib'rals are...Socialists! I want my...I need my...I love my Lib-er-ty!!
(Chorus...to fade)
Quite Sincerely--MUD
BTW... The Elitist Network Media's Continuous Coverup of the Corrosively Calamitous Crimes Committed by Clinton's Corrupt Cadre of Communist Co-Conspirators Continues to Crumble...Cool!!!
79 posted on 10/28/2001, 9:00:37 AM by Mudboy Slim
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"UncleShag's Boys!!" (To be sung to Dire Straits' "Telegraph Road")
A long time ago, UncleShag broke his back... Playin' dirty dives, singin' hits fer his fans. All them stories he told 'bout his Rock'n'Roll quest... Shag made his home in PalmettoWest!! He sang at State Fairs and in big-time forums... Uncle strummed all them notes, and Shag told his stories, While the other LongTown Boys were makin' music fer jack... Sure, some couldda gone further, but they never lost track!! Sang 'bout Dick Nixon, 'bout breakin' rules... Then came Dutch Reagan, and Lib'ral fools!! Sliock felt our pain...Sosh'list Left shot their load... Still, them minstrels, they sang...called 'em UncleShag's Boys!!
(drummin' and strummin'...a little keyboard)
Sure there were tough times, Shag needed more... Fell upon some lean times, Radio jocks paid more. UncleShag sang his songs about a World that's Right... UncleShag knows that to FReep is to fight!! Right keeps growin' bigger...
(PIE-annie...then guitar lead)
It's that radio man's big night...we're gonna FReep... Sheeple lurkers know, "Defend Liberty!!" Now we got Black threads of magic... FRee States help US grow!!
(Beautifully haunting piano lead, then a Knopfler riff)
MUD usedta go to work, but that's over now... It's such a fight to go to work, 'cuz Mudboy's words ain't got no sound!! Folks, Limbaugh says, "We're gonna haveta pay what's owed... We're gonna haveta FReep 'gainst the greed of Dem folks!!" Righteous words shall light the fires and ol' UncleShag knows... DemRATS always run away from the pain, but We're BOLD!! Leftists fear our FReedom 'cuz they love Status Quo... MudboySlim sang with UncleShag's Boys!!
(drum, guitar and piano reprise)
Lib'rals poltroons must fergit...but MUD remembers what's Right... Good fight is Justice...Slick's gonna face our Righteous Might!! Life seems the best when yer BOLDER...our righteous band's finally here... It's our load we gotta shoulder...Right's got nothing to fear!! Folks, Justice's FRee fer this Nation...help Right save U.S.A!! Reject all Left's darkness...just live fer today!! Condemn sinners who just fight fer their selfish aims!! Lib'rals' anger RATS feed on...we FReep to keep sane... 'Cuz I sing fer the FarRight in Liberty's name!! Right needs inspiration..."Let's Roll" in God's name... The Righteous wanna FReep 'gainst Left's stain... Folks, George Dubyuh's Right, sayin' "Big Guv'ment is O'er!!" All the while sang ol' UncleShag's Boys!!
Mudboy Slim (1/14/05)
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"This Ain't Right!!" (To be sung to Marshall-Tucker Band's "It Takes Time")
Country's feelin' down and low... 'Cuz voters don't like way Fed spendin' soars!! It ain't Right...Bush ain't Right...this ain't Right!! The Left's concealing what they are... Dem crazy Lib'rals, RATZ love Karl Marx!! They ain't Right...RATZ ain't Right...this ain't Right!!
It ain't Right to spend...all RATZ wanna spend!! It ain't Right to rule...like Dem Lib'rals rule!! It ain't Right to cheat...Reject Amnesty!! RightWing mustn't worry...we are Right!!
Folks, there's no shame y'can't carry a tune... You can't keep on treating US like yer fools!! Sure, Clinton's slime...Bush ain't Right...this ain't Right!! The Left's concealing what they are... Dem crazy Lib'rals, they love Karl Marx!! They ain't right...RATZ ain't Right...this ain't Right!!
It ain't Right to war...'gainst what folks can smoke... It ain't Right to fool...with our dreams like Commies do... It ain't Right to cheat...only crooks need amnesty!! Right looks kinda blurry...we must fight...we're the Right!!
(FReakJam ensues)
It ain't Right to spend...all RATZ wanna spend!! It ain't Right to rule...like Dem Lib'rals rule!! It ain't Right to cheat...must reject RATZ Amnesty!! RATBots oughtta worry...we shall fight...you ain't Right!!
Chorus: RATZ ain't Right!! This ain't Right!!
Mudboy Slim (9 January 2007)
BTW... "Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan and Back to the States, Localities, and Individuals as Prescribed in the US Constitution."
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"Right's 'Bout HONOR!!" (To be sung to Jewel's "Life Uncommon")
Don't worry Gran'ma...we'll be alright... And don't worry brothers, say your prayers and sleep tight!! And it'll be fine, sweet wife of mine...MUD'll be just fine!
Lend your voices only to Songs of FReedom!!! No Longer Bend Right's Strength fer that which We Wish to be FRee FRom!! Fill your lives with Truth and Bravery... And ALL shall learn...the Right's 'bout HONOR!!
We've heard Left's anguish... I've heard Left's "hearts" whine out!! Right is tired...yes, We're weary, but We Aren't Worn Out!!! Set down your chains...'til only Faith remains... Set down Left's chains!!!
And lend your voices only to Songs of FReedom... No longer lend your Strength to that which you wish to be FRee from... Fill your lives with Truth and Bravery... And We Shall Build...a World of Honor!!
There are plenty of Sheeple who Pray fer Peace... But if praying were enough our dreams wouldda come to be. Left's Programs Enslave and Numb!! Yet, the Heavens will hush themselves to hear... Our voices ring out clear...with Songs of FReedom... Songs of FReedom!!
Come on, you Lurkin' FReepers...join in and come play!! There is a Good Army coming and we are Armed with Faith... To Live...We SHALL Give...Justice!!
And lend our voices only to Songs of FReedom!! No longer lend our Strength to that which we wish to be FRee from... Fill your lives with Truth and Bravery...and Right shall lead... Lend our voices only to Songs of FReedom!! No longer lend our strength to that which we wish to be FRee from... Fill your lives with Truth and Bravery... And Right Shall Prove That Truth's Worth Honorin'!!
52 posted on 11/16/2001, 4:15:52 PM by Mudboy Slim
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"Short-Haired Country Boy" (To be sung to Charlie Daniels Band's "Long-Haired Country Boy")
People say I'm no good, crazy as a loon... 'Cuz I sing songs after midnight, trash Clinton in ev'ry tune! 'Cuz Slick's like my Ol' Horn-Dawg Hound... He likes to play the field gettin' laid! You may not think I'm funny, but I damn-sure got it made...'cuz...
Folks, I ain't askin' Big Guv'ment fer nuthin'... 'Cuz I can get it on my own! So if you don't like the songs I'm singin'... LIB'RALS, leave this short-haired country boy alone!
Prez'dent's squawkin' on TeeVee, trashin' some Camel named "JOE"... Smirks while betraying our Nation, Slaughters Innocence in Kosovo!! Left feels, "Clinton Walks On Water," but I don't think that's true. Some of us think Slick's Demon-RATZ will be doin' a little JailTime soon!!!
'Cuz Emperor Bill ain't clothed in nuthin'... Wise Men say, "You reap what you have sown!" If you don't like the Truth I'm bringin'... You just leave this "Mad libertarian" ALONE!!
Reno tries to delay, but us FReepers got the dirt... DemocRATZ run fer cover, but Limbaugh's words GOTTA HURT!! The Lib'rals say, "Can't We Just Move On?!!" But each politician needs your vote. Slick's holdin' on by the skin of his balls... But his Party's become a joke!!
No, I ain't tellin' you Lib'rals nuthin'... That ya'll shouldn't know on your own! So if you don't like the "MUD" I'm slingin'... You just leave on'ry Ol' Mudboy ALONE!!
Folks, time to take out the trash...MUD
1 Posted on 07/09/1999 06:16:36 PDT by Mudboy Slim (upt@no.good!)
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"Freedom's Bane!!" (To be sung to Santana's "Evil Ways")
We gotta change big-spending ways...Nation... The TrueRight is calling you!! We gotta shrink...Guv'ment... Devolving power to the States is GOOD!! Fed's spending $Billions and $Trillions... RATZ got the power!! Good folks must speak up...and FReep out... Right's calling you out!! The rant goes on... Big Guv'ment's Freedom's Bane!! Save us...save US!!
Voters can roam...DARE ME?! The House must start by not spending more... Earmarks shut down...crazy?! Left queers the vote...so we'll fight this "war"!! Right's gettin' tired of waiting to "Devolve RATZ Power!!" Right wants a Party that won't make us feel like Left's clowns... We must fight on... Big Guv'ment's Freedom's Bane!!
(D*mon on organ solo)
Freedom's our goal...ain't it?! The House must start by not spendin' more... Reject Left's Power...Save US!! RATZ fear the vote...Right must win this war!! I'm gettin' tired of waitin' fer Right to throw down... We wanna Party that don't rule to increase their Power!! Right shall fight on...yeah yeah yeaaahhhhh!!
(BigMan, DiscoDave, and the Artiste formerly known as...on guitar jam)
Mudboy Slim (29 August 2006)
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
Who knew? Progressive economists are now attacking economics. According to Burton Abrams "progressives in the Democrat Party, backed by left-wing sociologists and political scientists" deny basic economic principles and theory. They deny that incentives matter, that markets work better than government dictates, that scarcity and opportunity costs exist, that the laws of supply and demand are operative, that benefit-cost analyses have merit, and that economic efficiency makes consumers and producers better off.
Okay, fine. So how do progressive experience things?
They rely heavily on the vaguely defined concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion. In other words, politics.
In another proof of God's existence, my brother-in-law pointed me to a piece in Claremont Review of Books that addresses this question. It's a piece by Helen Andrews about the lights going out in South Africa.
Briefly, the ANC regime in South Africa has followed the progressive line to a T. And South Africa has gone straight to hell, economically and culturally and politically. Why? Because the ANC thinks that all you need to do is hand over the levers of the economy to its supporters, and bingo!
Except that everything goes straight to hell. And plenty of people in today's South Africa are witnessing it. Does the daughter of an ANC "activist" get it? No. Malaika, 30 years after Mandela rose to power, thinks that "the perks of white society are withheld from her." And the white progressives! One of them had a friendship with Mandela successor Thabo Mbeki, but after coming to power, Mbeki never spoke to him again. This [white progressive] fell into a depression and drank himself to death.
Then there's the mixed-race Michael that "after apartheid got a job in land reform." It all sounded great except that the modern, mechanized farms he handed out to illiterate subsistence farmers quickly went broke. Being a white South African farmer looked very easy from the outside, but it turned out to depend on lots of little habits that, even with the best will in the world, would have been very hard to explain in advance.
But when Michael explained the problems to his political bosses, they "insisted that he carry on regardless." Did you know that there is a British movie by that name?
Do you get the point, dear progressive friends? You may deny that incentives matter, that markets work, that scarcity and opportunity costs exist, you may think that everything reduces to racist-sexist- homophobic oppression, but what if you are wrong?
That's what white male Bill Shakespeare was on to, with his "I can summon spirits from the vasty deep." I'm sure all you educated progressives know Harry Hotspur's privileged answer from his life experience:
Why, so can I, or so can any man; But will they come when you do call for them? The whole point of economics, since Adam Smith, is that it is not an effort to summon spirits from the vasty deep. It is a usually humble effort to figure out, e.g., why now, of all times, real per- capita income has grown by 3,000 percent in 200 years in a Great Enrichment.
The last major effort to prove economics wrong was Karl Marx, who used Smith's economics to prove that the workers would be "immiserated" by capitalism. When Marx published the first volume of Capital in 1867, real per-capita income in the U.S. was up by a mere 100 percent from 1776. What could he know? And when the folks inspired by Marx decided to replace the "lots of little habits" of ordinary workers and businessmen with the intricately worked-out plans of government experts, they condemned millions to starvation.
But that misses the point. Capitalism thrives on people moving up. In Washington State's Yakima valley, back in 1993 the Seattle Times reported how Hispanics were moving up in the fruit business from seasonal labor to ownership. Now some of those Hispanics are running orchards, and others are buying farms and building warehouses. They say white migrants in Yakima made the same evolution from field to foreman to owner.
So the way to a country that works is not just "little habits" but learning a business, the culture of business, the ways of business, figuring out how to make something that other people want, and moving on up. They call it The American Way. Of course, maybe the reason that Hispanics are moving on up is because the children of white farmers and orchard owners got college degrees and prefer DEI activism to running a business.
Oh wait! That explains everything! Economics, with its incentives, scarcity, supply and demand, economic efficiency: it's all so low rent. If you are a really creative person, and really want to fight for justice, what really matters in the great scheme of things is activism, fundamental change, diversity, and equity and inclusion."
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
Hey...tell FallGuy I saw Elvis up at the Rennie's on Midlothian and Pinetta... He said to say "hello" and handed me this song.
"TraitorJOE LIES!!" (To be sung to Elvis Presley's "Suspicious Minds")
Left's just like The Clap...RATZ Won't Stay Out... Becuz Swamp Loves US sooo much, Minions!! Folks, won't you see?! Prez'dent Biden's "Guilty!!" Networks LIE...can't believe a word Press's sayin'!!
We must DETHRONE Joe Biden...must CONVICT JOEZ LIES!! (IMPEACH Left's LIES....)** Folks, we can't build our "bridge" when OUR Prez'dent LIES!! So, c'mon patriots, let's go!! Right's gotta DETHRONE Left's 'HO!! We gonna teach DemLib'rals 'bout OUR Rights!! 'Cuz once we DETHRONE JOE...and sweep bold Donald in, JOE'll spend future years in Jail fer SPYIN"!! (Folks, keep fightin'....)** World shall go on without JOE...Tyranny's Left's CRIME!! (RATZ we'll INDICT!!)** We'll shatter all Left's dreams...De-Brainwash Kids' Minds!! Left retails Fear and Lies...Fer OUR Country We Shall Fight!! We won't let Liberty die...Seek Justice, you know just what we gotta do!! Ummm...uhmmmm...yeah...yeah...
JOEZ caught in our TRAP...let's FReep him down!! Becuz a Traitor Can't Be Prez'dent!! It's so clear to me...gotzta Fight to be FRee!! (Ooh-ahhh-oooohh)** Don't y'all care what yer grandchildren[/forefathers] say?!
Now, Patriots, SING IT!! JOEZ Caught in OUR Trap!!...RATZ We'll INDICT!! Limbaugh Sure Sang the Truth, sweet Nation!! Ohhh...can't just feel it?! JOEZ just like The Clap...gotta cut him out... (Repeat...fade to finish)
Thank ya...thankyaverymuch...MUD
**(FReeperGal Chorus, of course!!)
139 posted on 1/2/2002, 10:36:03 PM by Mudboy Slim
Updated today...MUD
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"First, What We'll Do Is Sing About It" (To be sung to Lynyrd Skynyrd's "All I Can Do Is Write About It")
(spoken "2-3-4") All these lies we've been fed... Left says we shouldn't care. RINOZ just say, "Right should just MOVE ON!!" Folks laugh, they think we're playin'... FReepin' Clinton fer his Crimes... But We Want Justice...INDICT DemRATZ NOW!!!
Shall we ever see a Senator Protest In-Justice?!! Or the Med'yuh report on Slick's Tyranny?!! It's the Patriotic Duty of Good Citizens of this Country... C'mon Sheeple, let's kick ass on Dem Elites!!
Please, Lord, grant me the strength to change things... Show Dem POLTROONS We're Right and Left IS Wrong!! 'Cuz I can see Big Guv'ment a'slowly creepin'... Lord, aid me and mine against Swamp's SCUM!!
(Dr. MonDremo ticklin' the ivories...Mordecai Vesuvius on acoustic guitar)
Like to see Left's RAPIST get what's coming... Would YOU like to see RATZ TRAITORS crushin' rocks?!! Good folks needta stop and think about...well, Slick's Chi-Com TREASON... Folks, you oughtta listen to my songs.
Good Lord, grant me the strength to change it... Show DemRAT fools I'm Right and They Are Wrong!! 'Cuz I can see Big Guv'ment a slowly creepin'... Lord, help me inspire this Righteous Throng!!!
(key change to A for piano solo) A E D (played 4x) (back to G)
Chi-Com Spyin', Abuse of Power...it ain't pretty!! But the things Press write about us prove they're Slick's Whores!! You can take Mudboy out of old Dixieland... But Left'll never take his FReedoms from Mudboy!!
Please Lord, grant us the Power to change it... Show all the World We're Right and Left is WRONG!! 'Cuz I can see Left's EVIL a slowly creepin'... Lord, help me and mine defeat Swamp's Scum!!
FReepers, I foresee Slick's Judgement...Right Shall Dethrone Him!! Folks, help me and mine Slaughter Left's Scum.
FReegards...MUD (1/10/02)
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
A majority of Americans reject the idea that a persons gender can be different from their sex at birth, according to a poll conducted Nov. 10 Dec. 1 by The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation. Among adults, 57% believed gender was determined by sex at birth and 43% believed gender could be different from ones sex at birth, the poll found. Respondents rejected other talking points promoted by transgender activists, widely opposing hormones for minors, participation in sports based on gender identity and teaching gender identity to young children.
At first I was on the side of acceptance, like using the pronouns and stuff, because I want people to be kind to each other. I dont want people fighting all the time, Alyssa Wells, a 29-year-old behavior therapist and survey participant, told the Post. My concern with transgender is mostly with the children.
We cant vote until were a certain age, we cant smoke, drink or whatever, but we can change our bodies anatomy and how it works? It just doesnt seem like thats okay to me.
Most respondents, however, said they supported legislation banning discrimination against transgender people, with support ranging from 65% to 71% , in housing, medicine, health insurance, work, education and other areas.
Participants widely supported gender-affirming counseling for minors but opposed minors receiving hormonal treatments under medical supervision, according to the survey. Among adults, 68% opposed puberty blockers for children 10-14 and 58% opposed hormones for children aged 15-17, while 62% and 66% respectively supported gender-affirming counseling for those age groups.
Most respondents also opposed teachers discussing gender identity in the classroom, with 77% opposing it from kindergarten to third grade, 70% for fourth and fifth grade and 52% for middle school. Only 36% opposed such lessons for high schoolers, and 64% supported the lessons.
Is that going to help these young people get a good job or a good spouse? Valarie Johnson, a 67-year-old from Florida, told the Post. Why would you introduce that subject to children when it has no life skills?
The vast majority of respondents, between 62% and 66%, believed males who identify as transgender girls and women should not be allowed to compete in womens sports at youth, high school, college and professional levels, the poll found. I think there is an advantage [for trans women], and you cant put your head in the sand and pretend there isnt, Americo Lopes, told the Post, comparing transgender athletes to those who use steroids. There is an advantage.
This story originally was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"King of the HO's" (To be sung to Roger Miller's "King of the Road")
Traitor EX-President... Nukes sold to ChinaMen... Waco...we shant fergit!! Toddlers charred like cigarettes!! Yeah, Slick...snorts coke like a vacuum... Bill puts...his ol' friends in their tombs!! Still Slick's...Lib'rals kneel fer their King... King of the HO's!!!
Slick's ceegars sure do stink... Masturbatin' in his sink. Hill's a worn-out, dried-up shrew... Bill ain't touched her in many moons!! Yes, folks...li'l Willard gets around... Short...and not too big around! Left prays...to their King on their knees... King of the HO's!!
Slick bombed Kosovo, li'l Sudan, and Saddam Hussein... Killed many young children but hasn't no shame!! Slick's got his hand out in every town... Yet, we'll FReep the House and FReep the Senate and we'll bring him down!! I sing...Traitor EX-President... Nukes sold to ChinaMen... Waco...we shant fergit!! Toddlers charred like cigarettes!!
Yeah, Slick...snorts coke like a vacuum... Bill puts...his ol' friends in their tombs!! Still Slick's...Lib'rals kneel fer their King... King of the HO's!!! Traitor EX-President... Nukes sold to ChinaMen... Waco...we shant fergit!! Toddlers charred like cigarettes!!
Mudboy Slim
75 posted on 8/6/2002, 7:33:12 PM by Mudboy Slim
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"Obama Tune!!" (To be sung to R.E.M.'s "Man on the Moon")
Barry's Prez'dent...Dem's the facts of Life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Axelrod, he wears the Rovian mask. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Monopoly, twenty one, checkers, and chess. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Hillary Clinton in her Sunday best. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah We like Change and we need Hope. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah DeeCee keeps borrowin' but our country's broke. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey Barry, did you hear about this one? Tell me, what's the deal with Big Guv? Hey Barry, why you goofin' on Lincoln? Hey Nation, why're we so damned dumb?!! If you believe this country's headed fer ruin...(Obama Tune!!) If you believe Big Guv'ment's what we need... Then Marxists shall rule!!
Barry starts talkin' and it sounds so good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Networks they seem to be gettin' wood. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Iran is troubling 'cuz nukes are in their grasp. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Is our President really up to the task? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey Barry, did you hear about this one? Tell me, why you dissin' on Rush?!! Hey Barry, are you workin' fer Soros? Hey Nation, are we losing touch? If you believe our country's headed fer ruin...(Obama Tune!!) If you believe Big Guv'ment's what we need... Then Tyrants shall rule!! ...COME ON!!
Here's a little nugget fer the Freedom-believer. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Here's a little post fer our Liberty. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Guv'ment must stop spendin' like drunk sailors. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah David Axelrod, he has a Rovian task. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey Barry, do you hear me sing this one? Tell me, why you dissin' on Rush?!! Hey Barry, don't you wanna just save US? Hey Barry, spending way too much!! If you believe, our country's headed fer ruin...(Obama Tune!!) If you believe Big Guv'ment's what we need... Then Tyranny's cool?!!......COOL?!!
If you believe, this country's headed fer ruin...(Obama Tune!!) If you believe Big Guv'ment's what we need... Then Marxists shall rule!! If you believe, our country's headed fer ruin...(Obama Tune!!) If you believe Big Guv'ment's what we need... Then lawyers shall rule!! If you believe, our country's headed fer ruin...(Obama Tune!!) If you believe Big Guv'ment's what we need... Then Tyranny's cool?!!......COOL?!!
Mudboy Slim (27 January 2009)
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"Barry Obama!!" (To be sung to the Beatles' "Lady Madonna")
Barry Obama, Media's at your feet... Limbaugh KNOWS Progressives are Marxist freaks!! RATZ waste our money...childrens' futures spent... Lib'rals think tax money is heaven sent!!
Righteous Right's arrivin' to Fight DeeCee!! LeftWing's mourning freaks like TeddyK!! Biden's words are soundin' mighty cheesy.... Election's comin'!!
Barry Obama!! Patriots, we don't jest... Wonder when you'll notice Slick failed the test. Election's comin'... Barry Obama!! Marxists are pure RED!! Listen to MUDZ music playing in yer head.
Leftist RAT poltroons forever spending... Teddy mourners takin' people's guns... Reagan Right, our cry is "Freedom's Winning!!" Election's comin'... Barry Obama!! Children we must teach... "Country's gonna WAKE UP...Defeat RAT-freaks!!"
Mudboy Slim (21 September 2009)
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
Americas commander in chief just laid another egg.
President Joe Biden wants all Pentagon vehicles to be electric by 2030 in just six years and seven months. Americas fearless leader previewed this policy on Earth Day 2022. "Were going to start the process where every vehicle in the United States military, every vehicle, is going to be climate-friendly every vehicle," Biden said in Seattle that April 22. "I mean it."
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm just reiterated this objective. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, asked Granholm at an April 26 Armed Services Committee hearing, "Do you support the military adopting that EV fleet by 2030?"
"I do, and I think we can get there," Granholm replied.
Those who have worn Americas uniform find this jaw-droppingly stupid. "Anyone who has even a little experience in military logistics recognizes Joe Bidens E.V. mandate as a political farce," House Armed Services Committee member Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., told me. The Navy Reserve officer and Senate candidate added, "As an Afghanistan war veteran, I wish Biden DoDs top brass had the courage to put our national security before Green New Deal fantasies and call out this harmful and ridiculous order."
"I encountered a lot of IEDs on dirt roads in Afghanistan, but no charging stations," said Matt Pottinger, who served three combat deployments as a Marine and later as deputy national security adviser. "We rely on China for most of our EV supply chain, and that trend is worsening. It was hard enough when we depended on Middle Eastern allies for our energy needs. "To put those needs even for our military in the hands of our chief adversary is, to use a technical term, pretty dumb."
Bidens pretty dumb political farce raises numerous unintentionally hilarious questions: Where exactly would one plug in a Jeep, truck, tank, or armored personnel carrier in a blistering desert or steamy jungle? If such charging stations existed, wouldnt the enemy neutralize them, to hobble U.S. armed forces? If American GIs discovered functioning charging stations, would they halt their advance for, say, 30 to 45 minutes to recharge at least once or twice daily?
Would U.S. soldiers bring travel adapters to plug their EVs into overseas charging stations? "Imagine going to war, youre in an all- electric Humvee, your batteries are low, and its time for a charge, but youre behind enemy lines," one Louisianan hypothesized via Twitter. "You pull up to the nearest charging station controlled by the enemy. They let you charge before starting battle. The war continues."
How would the Allied march from D-Day to Berlin have looked if U.S. Gen. George S. Patton, U.S. Commander Maxwell Taylor, British Field Marshal Bernard Law, and other commanders had relied on electric vehicles? Would Adolf Hitler have left charging stations conveniently connected to the grid and ready for the Third Army to refresh their Sherman tanks en route to the Battle of the Bulge? Or, more likely, would der Führer have ordered SS saboteurs to dynamite every one of those damn things as the Nazis retreated, from Burgundy to Bastogne?
Alternatively, Patton and his men could have hauled mobile, solar- powered charging stations, so tanks and other vehicles could boost their voltage while dodging incoming Wehrmacht artillery. Allied troops also would have confronted, in Monty Pythons words, "a teensy problemette."
The skies above the Battle of the Bulge were notoriously cold, dark, and overcast in December 1944. The clouds were so thick that Allied pilots could not parachute supplies to friendly forces who were invisible beneath the dense gray.
Theoretically, had Patton roared into Nazi-occupied Belgium under an EV mandate, tapping into a Woke, solar-powered grid would have been useless. There and then, particularly around the winter solstice, Sun rays were as scarce as synagogues.
Obviously, 2023 is not 1944. That said, relying on the enemys green infrastructure or schlepping solar- and wind-power generators would cripple U.S. troops as they attacked hostile combatants. "This is more lunacy from the jet-setting climate grifters with zero basis in science or common sense," said John Ullyot, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and former spokesman for the National Security Council.
"EVs have no place on the battlefield unless its aiding the enemy. They would slow us down, crimp our tactical options, and make our forces easy targets against the weakest of adversaries. "If Biden steers us into this Woke cul-de-sac, taxpayers should insist that every military EV be delivered with a Coexist bumper sticker already pasted on the back."
So, whats next from the geniuses at Joe Bidens Green New Pentagon and the Department of Energy, the guardians of Americas nuclear arsenal?
Why not an electric-ship mandate?
U.S. Navy aircraft carriers could stop every two days in mid-ocean, plug into solar-powered buoys, wait 12 hours, and then proceed on their merry way.
Why? Climate!
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"Friends of Bill Clinton!!" (To be sung to the Grateful Dead's "Friend of the Devil")
We abhor Butch Reno...and we'll take Slick Willie down. Honor 'tis to FReep fer Right till Big Guv'ment's not around. Ya think I'm funnin' as I make my rhymes... But friends of Slick Willie ain't no FRiends of mine!! Leftist HO's defend Slick's Blight... TREASON's why we FReep tonigh-ight!!
Clinton is Pure Evil, knaves...Slick snowed Dem-Medyuh shills!! Cowed the Right from action...let's be Brave and DETHRONE Bill!! Future's Sunny, but we'll first fight Slime... No friend of Bill Clinton is a FRiend of mine!! Leftists know Clinton's not Right... Justice's why we FReep...tonigh-ight!!
I drove on up to DeeCee...brain-dead Lib'rals fought me there. Took my hard-earned dollar bill but I vanquished their PUNK, Terry. Think I'm funnin' but I know what's Right... Dem Friends of Bill Clinton shall be Doin' Time!! We set goals...ain't 'fraid ta Fight... Justice's why WE FReep tonigh-ight!!!
Got two reasons why I stay awake each FReepin' night. The first one's named Sweet Liberty and she's my heart's delight. Second one is Justice, Willie, Ol' Mudboy's on yer tail!! And when TRUTH catches up with you, you'll spend yer life in jail!!
Gotta wife and children, Slick, but yer thugs shan't cow me!!! Broaddrick says Slick raped her, Tom, but Brokaw said, "BITE ME!!!" Lib'rals Love Him, but I think Slick's SLIME!! No friend of Slick Willie shall be FRiends o' mine. I set goals, ain't 'fraid ta fight... Justice's why MUD FReeps tonight!!!
(BigMan on guitar, Fireman John on mandolin...justa cookin'!!)
Got two reasons why I FReep away each doggone night. The first one's named Sweet Liberty, my God, I know I'm Right!! Second one is Justice, Terry, MUD knows yer Sordid Tale... And when Truth catches up with you, you'll spend yer life in jail!!
Gotta wife and children, Bill, and you got Hillary... Chelsea knows she's not yer child, Webb Hubbell's genes flow free. Think I'm funnin' but Slick's arse is mine!! No friend of Bill Clinton, boy, Justice Be Thine!! Bill can roam...but Slick can't hide!! Justice makes MUD FReep fer Righ-ight!!
Mudboy Slim
BTW...William JeffersonBlythe Clinton's Legacy Shall Be the De- Legitimization of the DemocRAT Party!!
1 posted on 02/10/2002 2:06 AM EST by Mudboy Slim
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
"Chi-Com Spies!!" (To be sung to the Eagles' "Lyin' Eyes")
Lib'ral Pols just seem so gawl-durned squirrelly... JOE Bidenz WHORE'd says, "Trust our Marxist Bile!!" Effete ol' men, will go now to the Jury... They'll fess up and disgrace Left's Elite Style. Late last night, most DemocRATS felt lonely... Reckon every Dolt knows Biden isn't Right!! And it breaks MUDZ heart to think RATZ love is only... Given to Dem folks who stand fer Rape and Vice!! So RATZ tell JOE they must Vote NOW fer their Country... To support their Nation that the Left's torn down... But Slick knows where folks're goin' as they're leavin'... Voters headed for the MAGA side of town!!
{start_of_chorus} You can't hide yer ChiComSpies!! Yes...Left's Vile and lost, passion-wise!! I thought by now RATZ'd realize... There ain't no way to hide JOEZ Brazen Lies!!
On the other side of town, Mudboy is waitin'... With fiery eyes and dreams no RAT shall steal!! He types on through the night, anticipatin'... 'Cuz JOE makes MUD FReep away RATZ sleazy schpiel!! Left rushes to JOEZ arms, they'll fall together!! MUD whispers that DemRATZ're gonna be tried!! RATZ swear that soon they'll be comin' back, emboldened... MUD laughs away and sings "TraitorJOEZ FIRED!!"
RATZ can't hide their ChiComSpies... And Swampz guile is a thin disguise!! I thought by now Left'd realize... There ain't no way to hide JOEZ Brazen Lies!!
RATZ, wake up and pour yerself a strong one... You know now that Left's Stars just keep on LYIN'!! Come Join the Right...We're gonna FReep the Wrong Ones!! JOEZ bed is made...we'll hang him fer his crimes!! Left wonders how it ever got this crazy... RATZ think about the dreams they dreamed in school. Did Left get tired or were RATZ always crazy?! They're so far gone, Left seems just like they're fools!! My, oh my, RATZ sure seem now like deranged things... Press set it up so well, so carefully... Ain't it funny how Left's new life didn't change things Left's still the Marxist Shills they've always been!!
RATZ can't hide their ChiComSpies... And Slick's guile is a thin disguise!! I thought by now Left'd realize... There ain't no way to hide JOEZ Brazen Lies!!
MudboySlim (GOP Tsunami +12hours)
325 posted on 11/6/2002, 4:27:03 PM by Mudboy Slim
Updated today...MUD
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"
We're living through extraordinary times, not too different from what was portrayed in "The Matrix" a science fiction film depicting humankind as being unknowingly trapped in a false reality. The truth is, we're being deceived on a range of important and vital matters by a deep state ruling class, whose residences are our government, universities, media, and corporations. Members of this ruling class work behind the scenes to create narratives to redirect resources and power to their benefit.
Programs with greatest mass appeal are often those wrapped in some moral or social justice cause, crafted with compelling catchphrases. The most captivating causes are often those that include a global vision such as saving the earth. This explains the appeal of the Green New Deal, although common sense, history, science, and economics reveal that it is more hoax than real.
It's important to understand that many elites who push these narratives have little affection for the U.S. and identify with China and the World Economic Forum (WEF) on many matters. What's different now for us the American people than previous times is the large number of U.S. government agencies that have fallen under the sway of narratives and collude with the technology information sector. As a result, First Amendment laws are being violated with social media companies effectively acting as subsidiaries of government agencies carrying out those agencies unconstitutional directives to block or cancel those with contrary views, effectively denying them access to mainstream and social media. Thus, narratives and propaganda, however distorted or false, often advance because well-reasoned dissent from prominent experts is censored.
Great harm against the United States has been incurred recently by this information-blocking duopoly. Consider just three instances the results of which continue to weigh on the American people:
Doctors who were advocates for safe therapeutic preventative treatments for Covid-19 were censored and cancelled to protect and ensure a risky vaccine monopoly and the outsized profits that came with that treatment. The Hunter Biden laptop story was blocked by the FBI, who colluded with social media to censor the story before the 2020 election, which ensured the corruption of the Joe Biden family would remain hidden and facilitate votes for Joe Biden to win the Presidential election. The dissenting voices and video recordings that refute DHS Secretary Mayorkas lies that "the U.S. southern border is secure" have been largely censored, facilitating the influx of some 5 million illegal entries in the last two years including criminals, terrorists, and human, child, sex and lethal drug trafficking cartels all of whom put enormous burden on American schools, health care facilities and law enforcement.
But there is a bigger and more devastating hoax. Its the Green New Deal and the goal of "Net Zero CO2 emissions by 2050," which is proceeding largely unchallenged. The economic reality of achieving that goal, the core of which is ending so-called fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal) would bring economic ruin to the U.S., cripple its defense capability, and likely cause mass death.
Ken Gregory, the distinguished Canadian climate engineer, is unique in having done rigorous economic calculations on costs necessary to achieve Net Zero CO2 emissions in the U.S. by scaling up wind and solar energy sources and building out 30 days of battery storage to make up for the elimination of "on demand-anytime" fossil fuels. That cost, conservatively estimated at $290 trillion, makes Net Zeros cost absolutely unaffordable. Even a Net Zero plan with 50% fossil fuels and 50% wind and solar would cost $21 trillion, making it impossible to fund given chronic U.S. deficits running about $1.5 trillion annually with a national debt wall of $32 trillion and growing. The Green New Deals goal of Net Zero CO2 emissions is neither grounded in science nor is it desirable.
Gregory Wrightston, a geologist with nearly 40 years experience, and presently an "Expert Reviewer for the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change," has been researching and studying the Earths climate by applying the accepted scientific method of using proxy data from geologic strata to determine temperatures going back as far as the Bronze Age. The evidence shows that present CO2 levels at 420 PPM are historically low, at one-sixth the level of the past cyclical peak temperatures.
Wrightson finds that the scientific evidence on climate and temperature, supports historians observations that the flourishing of civilizations of the Bronze Age (3300 to 1200 years B.C.), the Iron Age (1200 to 600 B.C.), the Roman period at about the time of Christ, and the Medieval period of the High Middle Ages (850 to 1250 A.D.) coincided with cyclical periods of warm temperature, while cyclical low temperatures were accompanied by diminished agricultural output, famine, and higher death rates.
The push for Net Zero CO2 emissions is nothing short of another hoax being foisted on Americans to redirect resources and power. So, if this hurts most Americans, who benefits?
The elite stakeholders whose green investments benefit from government favor and subsidization. Second, the Chinese who continue to expand their use of fossil fuels but also dominate every step of solar panel production, and dominate every stage of the electric vehicle (EV) lithium battery supply chain providing a 70% or more market share in both.
Even if the United States wanted to maintain its sustainable energy trajectory and wean itself from China, it would remain dependent on outsourced minerals for its wind, solar, energy, and EV transportation systems. And the key minerals such as lithium and cobalt, are controlled by one country China.
Proceeding with the Green New Deal means a weaker economy.
It means "Chinafication" of the U.S.
Scott S. Powell, a member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China and senior fellow at Discovery Institute, is the author of "Rediscovering America," a new release in the history genre. You may reach him at scottp@discovery.org.
"NOW...Devolve Power Outta the Federal Leviathan!!"