Its December and time to make my annual predictions as I have done since 94. As always, I must add my standard qualifier here: These predictions are based on the Bible, and thus cannot fail to come true But I may be ahead of Gods timetable by a year or two (and rarely more) In 2021: 1. 2021 will again be a scorcher, and more antarctic ice will melt; But the Paris agreement is reinstated, and by 2030 will be felt. (Revelation 16:8-9) 1. Red tides will continue and a Chinese sea will become totally dead; But dozens of dams will be blown-up, slowing down the fish-kills ahead. (Revelation 16:3)
2. The coronavirus will wax worse, and kill over four million As we enter into the Earths sixth mass-extinction, And poor nations await the promised COVID vaccination. (Revelation 16:10-11)
3. While cases of ugly skin cancers will decrease, Cases of brain-eating anoebas will increase. (Revelation 16:2, 4-5)
5. Scientists will greatly slow down the aging process, And some alive now will live to see ten centuries. (Revelation 20:4b)
And beyond: 6. In 2024 thru 26, Elijah will (re)appear on the scene, And (re)unite every Christian Lamp and congregation established by St Peter (and successors) in a grand reunification. (Matthew 17:11; John 17:20-21)
7. In 2026 thru 28, a new Jesus will appear on the scene, And unite twenty-four NATO states in a Grand Consortium that will reign over the Earth for a glorious millennium! (Revelation 4:1-5, 20:4a)
As Jesus taught us to pray, Thy Kingdom come on Earth, as it is in Heaven
Amen! (Luke 11:2)