The action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue.
What I am doing is not fear mongering.
It is an effort to get you and Stone to stop endlessly avoiding or negating reality always remaining in denial.
You both contradict the reality of a situation or struggle to adjust to a circumstance while neglecting its impact.
In 1937, Anna Freud expanded upon her father's concept of defense mechanisms in her book, The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense, in which she noted that denial may exist in our words, our deeds, or solely in our fantasies. In fantasy, she maintained, we keep the denial to ourselves. In both word and deed, it is shared with the outside world, and thus may not be compatible with the experiences of others in our lives. After all, she noted, people tend to judge the normality or abnormality of denial by the degree of its conspicuousness. And some efforts at denial do seem to be more obvious than others.