(Video and soundtrack at website with ranting a crazy obscene bastard) Robert De Niro sat down with Michael Moore on his new podcast Rumble with Michael Moore and again unloaded on President Donald Trump.
There has not been one thing about this person that has been redeeming, as far as I can see, De Niro said, before going off on Republicans for not standing up to him.
Shame on them, he said.
At one point, he talked about the time he mused about punching Trump in the face, saying he didnt mean it literally. He went on to tell Moore, Id like to see a bag of shit right in his face. Hit him right in the face like that, and let the picture go all over the world.
He needs to be humiliated, De Niro continued. He needs to be confronted and humiliated by whoever his opponent is
They have to stand up to him, they dont have to do it in an obvious physical way, but they have to have the formidability to confront him and to put him in his place, because the people have to see that, to see him be humiliated.
Poster Comment:
Hey, stupid!. You need to chill out. Here's the thing. I voted for HIM, not you. and guess what? he won. and he's doing what I want him to do as President. I didn't say vile, hate-filled things about Obama, I accepted the result of those elections. America is a big enough place for you and me to co-exist. What's ironic... You were able to become a multi-millionaire in this America, and I'm just a middle-class guy who no one knows, not publicly at least. Relax and be grateful to God for what you have, and let the hate go...and finish circling the drain before you drop into the sewer.