Title: "Space Satellite" Crashes To Earth (Balloon & Tether still attached) Source:
A Michigan Yard URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK_kWN0BsKs Published:Nov 2, 2019 Author:Channel 4 Post Date:2019-11-02 13:12:15 by Liberator Keywords:NASA, Balloon, HOAX Views:5417 Comments:24
Poster Comment:
I HOPE you all noticed this event as reported by MSM not long ago. They hated to report this, but they had to. It was posted on Social Media, where it immediately went viral. (These thing have been falling all the time, but rarely reported.)
Note: The Balloon is still attached to this "Satellite." The Media tried to downplay and spin the attached Balloon as a "Parachute."
NASA: "Ooops. Our pants are down again. Meh." Sufficient numbers of Space Addicts and Pod People will remain mesmerized by our wizardry no matter what. They have been programmed well.
Well, actually...no, you can't and will not able to hide the truth forever. The Cat IS out of the Bag.
What "truth" is that you may ask?
1) ALL "Space-Satellites" are nothing but devices lifted (or propelled) into VERY Low Earth Orbit by HELIUM-FILLED BALLOONS.
This has always been the case -- I'd posted a video of such a case documented by an amateur videographer who caught a balloon drifting in front of the moon, toting a "Satellite."
Also posted: NASA's own documentation of its Balloon-Propulsion program since the mid-1950s. That report included the balloon-propulsion documentation of 'Mir', a famous a Soviet "Satellite" in the late 1990s into the early 2000s.
2) Those NASA/ Space X "Space Rockets" we keep witnessing over the decades at Cape Canaveral and elsewhere?
DOCUMENTED: Watch any rocket launch. The Rocket will rise, then arc over the Atlantic Ocean into the Bermuda Triangle area (or over other oceans), where the debris is recovered WITHOUT PRYING EYES. (Meanwhile, we've all let ourselves believe this illusion and NASA "magic-tricks" for 60 years and counting still.)
3) IF we truly believe our "Satellites" provide Dish and TV reception as well as what's transmitted in "The Cloud," WHY then are cell phone towers built all over creation?
Why then the need for every tall/high edifice be festooned with "Satellite" dishes? WHY then are our Dishes aimed for a specific tower for "the best reception"?
#9. To: Pinguinite, Hank Rearden, A K A Stone, Deckard, watchman, Deckard, ALL (#7)
About all I can do is shake my head, Liberator. No discussion is worthwhile, but best to you.
Ping, I never take your response personally; I realize you aren't being spiteful or malicious.
That said, please also don't take my thoughts personally either...(and neither should the rest of you.)
Let's be honest -- few of you read or watch the content I've provided. I know that. The truth is, I've discovered few of you care about truth. Or that you care that you might be lied to. So when you make lame attempts to dismiss the content, I've rolled my eyes; I've chuckled. I've roll my eyes again and shaken my head repeatedly. I almost think *I'M* the one being "trolled." I guess it really is much easier to deceive people than to convince them otherwise.
THIS. REALM. IS. FLAT. IT DOES NOT MOVE NOR SPIN. THE HORIZON: FLAT. All NASA photos use FISH_EYE LENS. (WOW -- do you really NOT get this yet??)
NASA uses (bad) CGI and Photoshop. They created fake, distorted "Blue Marbles." They gifted Petrified Wood to Denmark as "Moon-Rock"; They ADMIT: "We can't go beyond low earth orbit"; They ALL ADMIT: "We lost know-how to go to the Moon." (IF that know-how is actually "real" -- do they REALLY "lose" it?? What is this -- The Nixon Tapes? Hillary's hard-drive?? Come on, man.
Even Buzz Aldrin admitted he never went to the Moon. ON TAPE. Stop believing the Adult Santa Claus stories. ALL of them. WAKE UP!
There are about 3-4 people here who now understand that there are legitimately reasons to question the realm we've been taught/indoctrinated to believe is a "globe", as well as justifying any skepticism regarding the NASA Hoax.
Another 4-5 LF'ers will research the related subjects and know the truth of the matter within the year. The rest of LF will continue playing it safe, trusting what they are told by Gummint, by "Science," by the MSM, by our "Politicians," and ultimately "accepting the reality to which we have been presented."
Most people prefer illusion over reality. I get it. But are YOU "most people"? Even when presented the Truth on a silver platter they will reject it on the basis of early and constant indoctrination, programming and image-imprinting.
Over several months I have provided case after case, a litany of evidence that discredits and invalidates the previously "settled truth" claimed by the institutions of "Science," "History," and NASA. IF one refuses to watch, read, examine, research, or confirm the claims, that's not on me. (And no, ambiguous, anecdotal "disproof" of select 2% of the content does not suffice a having "dis-proven" the OTHER 98%.)
If you prefer to plug your ears, close your eyes and sing "la-la-la-la" in defiance of the evidence, preferring to continue believing the very same institutions who lie in all of our collective face, laugh in our face, and insult our intelligence -- than who am little ol' me to continue sharing the truth with any of you? Go ahead, reject it. It doesn't change my life....
But don't tell me YOU already "know the truth" when all you've done is regurgitated and echoed what you've been told by known liars. That "Truth" and "Science" teacher and life-time of TV and movies and commercials shove in your face; a life-time of globes, planets, Moon-crap, "Billions & Billions of Light Years," "Big-Bang," "prehistorical man" and "65 million year old" dinosaurs shove down your throat; even the so-called "Glory" of war was crammed in your face as a kid. You may want to re-think ALL of that baloney. It is ALL related PROGRAMMING. But...but WHY?? They care about us, right? They are trying to educate us, right?
They lie, mis-inform, and dis-inform. In order to control you, the sheeple, the cattle; To confuse you; To minimize your relevance. And of course, to hide God and REPLACE HIS GLORY, HIS TRUTH.
few of you read or watch the content I've provided.
Over several months I have provided case after case, a litany of evidence that discredits and invalidates the previously "settled truth" claimed by the institutions of "Science," "History," and NASA.
I try to pick through the stuff you spew...but there's just so MUCH of it.
litany of evidence
The one that really stands out was one of your MUST WATCH videos with Steve Quayle and company talking about how the Nazis are digging a tunnel from Patagonia to Antarctica.
Do you believe that Liberator? Are Nazis digging tunnels in Patagonia? Are they the old WWII Nazis that figured out how to live extra long life spans? And what happens if they dig too deep, and bust through the back side of the flat earth? What's back there anyway (like tree roots and worms and such)?
The one that really stands out was one of your MUST WATCH videos with Steve Quayle and company talking about how the Nazis are digging a tunnel from Patagonia to Antarctica.
You're right; You recently did admit your memory IS going. I can confirm it.