Thanks read it all. The Democrats once again will use and abuse the conversation for political reasons and run a political impeachment.
The fact the President stated the Attorney General was involved in looking into these corruption cases really defangs the House DemonRats. Of course if they call Barr to testify, he will confirm what Trump stated and also show Rudy went to the Ukraine on the DoJ tab. So we have a sitting government working on corruption investigations in a foreign country involving Americans.
Plus he wants to get to the bottom of some Ukrainian oligarch who the Mueller report stated was responsible for hacking the DNC server. LOL that is probably 'help' the Dimwits don't want.
And notice, this new President of Ukraine is going after corruption. Corruption the Dimwits have their finger prints all over. So he might just blow the cover off of this thing and that is why the Rats yesterday went to the mat, without evidence, to call for Trump's impeachment inquiry. They have to gag these investigations in the Ukraine because too many of them will be exposed. Lovely place Washington DC. Accuse someone else (Trump) of the very thing they are guilty of doing. Deep State indeed. Drain the swamp.