Title: College QB arrested, suspended after claiming ‘cocaine’ on his car was bird poop. It was bird poop. Source:
Saturday Down South URL Source:https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/s ... on-car-was-actually-bird-poop/ Published:Aug 3, 2019 Author:SDS Staff Post Date:2019-08-11 09:33:59 by Deckard Keywords:None Views:40023 Comments:348
Georgia Southern QB Shai Werts has been suspended following an arrest earlier in the week.
Werts was arrested following a traffic stop on Wednesday night in Saluda, South Carolina. According to reports, Werts was originally pulled over for speeding. When the officer attempted to pull him over, however, he kept going and reportedly called 911 to explain that he wasnt pulling over in a dark area. After reaching town, Werts then pulled over and was arrested for speeding.
The QB was then asked about the white powder on the hood of his car, and he claimed it was bird poop that he tried to clean off at the car wash. The officer tested the powder, and it tested positive for cocaine with two different kits and in two different places on the hood of the car.
Everything about him and inside his vehicle made him appear as a clean person but the hood of his car was out of place, the police report states.
Werts denied any knowledge of the origin of the cocaine. The officer wrote that the powder appeared to have been thrown on the vehicle and had been attempted to be washed off by the windshield wipers, and wiper fluid as there was white powder substance around the areas of the wiper fluid dispensary.
In addition to speeding, he was charged with a misdemeanor possession of cocaine.
This is all really bad news because Georgia Southern plays LSU Week 1.
Al Eargle, the Deputy Solicitor for the 11th Judicial Circuit which includes Saluda County, told Werts attorney, Townes Jones IV, that these kinds of charges would not be pressed on his watch, Jones said.
South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) tests were conducted on the substance samples collected from the hood of Werts 2016 Dodge Charger, but the results confirmed that no controlled substance was present in the samples.
I have not seen (the SLED results) yet, Eargle said on a phone call Thursday night. But I was informed that the test did come back and that there was no controlled substance found.
The officer tested the powder, and it tested positive for cocaine with two different kits
Which is essentially your admission that drug tests conducted by police departments are either completely corrupt or completely incompetent.
I can't quite imagine how big a dumbass any cop would have to be to be so unaware of the properties of crystal cocaine and how it looks if exposed to moisture.
What, did the cop think that the QB had, in the process of being pulled over, thrown his coke stash forward (into the wind) onto his windshield and then tried to wash it away with wiper fluid?
There is no other way to read this. Corrupt lab and/or corrupt cops. Probably both.
Oh, look. It's a black QB. Let's just frame his black ass with phony drug tests that make any pile of poop test positive for cocaine.
Thanks for playing. If you were a decent human being, you'd be ashamed of what you've posted here.
It does matter to have a black man falsely accused of narcotics and to have such an arrest on his record. Like you even care about this victim of false arrest.
I hope he can sue their asses off for defamation of character. He should never have been charged with cocaine possession without a full lab test.
to be so unaware of the properties of crystal cocaine and how it looks if exposed to moisture.
It could have been wet/damp powdered cocaine.
"What, did the cop think that the QB had, in the process of being pulled over, thrown his coke stash forward (into the wind) onto his windshield and then tried to wash it away with wiper fluid?"
What's he supposed to do when the substance tests positive -- twice? Let the guy go because he's black?
Should the police department keep using these field tests since they have been proven to give inaccurate results? If they use them again should they be held accountable and sued?
Does the real victim the quarterback have a case against the police department for not using a reliable drug test? Why didn't the police know the drug test was inaccurate, don't they test them? If the police knew it gives false readings and it did int he past should the be sued for even more money?
I heard he does suck a few nightsticks. Not wanting to intrude here but I thought I'd pass along this ugly rumor.
After all, if it's a false accusation, whitey shouldn't mind at all that he's being falsely accused. whitey loves to defend cops making false charges in unlawful arrests, even corrupt cops.
I also heard he once went down on a state trooper for a gallon of gas but that could just be an ugly rumor someone here at LP made up.
Not wanting to intrude here but I thought I'd pass along this ugly rumor.
So you don't know that it's true, you did not ensure that it's true, yet you published it anyways. And, based on your previous posts about me, you published that with actual malice.
This means it must have been made with disregard for the truth, and with the intention of doing harm to my reputation on this forum.
I'd say I have an airtight defamation lawsuit. Or at least enough to get you kicked off this forum.
#34. To: misterwhite, Tooconservative, A K A Stone (#33)(Edited)
A K A Stone to misterwhite:
Do you go down on cops?
Tooconservative to A K A Stone:
I heard he does suck a few nightsticks. Not wanting to intrude here but I thought I'd pass along this ugly rumor.
After all, if it's a false accusation, whitey shouldn't mind at all that he's being falsely accused. whitey loves to defend cops making false charges in unlawful arrests, even corrupt cops.
I also heard he once went down on a state trooper for a gallon of gas but that could just be an ugly rumor someone here at LP made up.
Misterwhite to Tooconservative, A K A Stone
So you don't know that it's true, you did not ensure that it's true, yet you published it anyways. And, based on your previous posts about me, you published that with actual malice.
This means it must have been made with disregard for the truth, and with the intention of doing harm to my reputation on this forum.
I'd say I have an airtight defamation lawsuit. Or at least enough to get you kicked off this forum.
I say that you are absolutely correct on the defamation lawsuit if you cared to file one.
I say that you are wrong about ever getting Stone to kick TC off this forum.
He will never do it, albeit the right thing to do with the malicious and vulgar defamation of character displayed by TC.
I know, this seems petty, but hear me out. Good luck is not a religious or emotional statement in any way. Its something we say to each other to communicate I want the best for you (in this matter). But good luck is a terrible way to say this. Despite being a common phrase, its got a couple of significant problems.
First, good luck is a pessimistic phrase. It encourages, as the psychologists say, an external locus of control. In non-psychology-speak, this means the phrase good luck encourages us to see events as outside of our control (as opposed to within our control). When we perceive outcomes as outside our control, we dont work to affect them, leaving us in the passenger seat of our lives.
Second, good luck implies, to the person youre saying it to, that they need luck to succeed. Instead of encouraging or helping them, youre wishing for the world to conspire in their favor. If you had a friend who was about to compete in a contest, you wouldnt tell them I hope the judge is feeling lenient today, but to say good luck is to say the same thing.
Last, good luck is a terrible phrase no matter what your religious orientation. If you are a theist, and believe in god, its bordering on blasphemous. Why are you appealing to a nonexistent luck when it is God who directs the events of the world? If you are an atheist, its a meaningless statement because it acknowledges there is no way for you to affect this luck. Either way, youre out of luck (get it?)
Some obvious religious alternatives to good luck include blessings and thoughts and prayers. But there are some great secular options as well.
Youll do great. Instead of merely wishing positive things, this communicates confidence in who youre talking to. Give a dog a good name, and hell live up to it.
I believe in you. While youll do great communicates confidence and assurance, I believe in you communicates personal faith. Knowing that someone else personally believes in you is an incredibly reassuring feeling.
Best wishes. If youre looking for something formal to go in an email, this is a good alternative. Best wishes is polite and appropriately formal for email sign- offs or meetings.
Fingers crossed. This is more of a casual alternative to Best wishes.
Hope it goes well. If you want to stick with the traditional meaning of I want the best, you can stick with saying hope (whatever it is) goes well. You can also say Wish you well.
Dont fuck it up. If youve got an asshole streak and a charming disposition, this is definitely the funniest option.
Why are you appealing to a nonexistent luck when it is God who directs the events of the world?
Eccl. 9:11 I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
I sometimes find myself saying "good luck" to the unbeliever...because that's about all they have...time and chance.
I sometimes find myself saying "good luck" to the unbeliever...because that's about all they have...time and chance.
Isn't that just some variety of "Good luck on your little path to hell"?
It's not surprising the country is turning atheist. The organized churches seem like smug self-interested morality clubs, often using their tax status to provide entertainment/services to their members at discount, that do very little for anyone but their own. And possibly the larger influence is with the charismatics and healers and other flim-flam people you can see on those awful cable channels. And it is difficult to discern anything that resembles a serious doctrinal view in modern churches. I look at local churches and people I know in them and they all seem to believe most anything they want, even if it opposes the church's offical doctrine. Preachers won't even get close to doctrinal preaching.
So, if you're talking to me, I'd rather not hear any smug "Good luck in hell" talk. It got old a long time ago.
Little wonder that people want nothing to do with religion any more. It's more a rejection of the sales force than Christianity itself.
Now, you've told me the symptoms, but can you pinpoint the exact cause? (I can)
I can tell you why the Church has mostly died in Europe, and is rapidly fading in North America, and starting its descent in Latin America too.
But being that I'm Catholic, all past experience has taught me that we have to re-fight the Reformation to even get to the beginning of the conversation, and that all such re-fights (which happen a million times a year all over the world) never result in getting to the beginning of the conversation. (Which is one of the reasons why the Church continues to die at an accelerating clip.)
Truth is, Christians would rather that the Church die and not exist in two or three generations, then compromise on anything, let alone admit they are wrong. Therefore, the Church is almost dead in Europe, is dying in North America, and has begun to die in Latin America.
My only reason for writing this at all is that I guess I still hold a small spark of hope that Christians can behave like the Germans and French have managed to do. But I really just expect the Church to die, because I don't think the good will truly exists to save it.
But being that I'm Catholic, all past experience has taught me that we have to re-fight the Reformation to even get to the beginning of the conversation, and that all such re-fights (which happen a million times a year all over the world) never result in getting to the beginning of the conversation. (Which is one of the reasons why the Church continues to die at an accelerating clip.)
Agreed. Sometimes the best way to move forward and actually agree amicably is not to debate at all. Just try to draw closer, recognize common interests.
It's a disgrace how the ancient Christian churches in the Mideast have met such horrible persecution as we have meddled there and invaded. I can't understand why people are so indifferent to them.
Truth is, Christians would rather that the Church die and not exist in two or three generations, then compromise on anything, let alone admit they are wrong. Therefore, the Church is almost dead in Europe, is dying in North America, and has begun to die in Latin America.
Your remark brings to mind something I thought about recently about Judaism. As we all know, Jews have been saying "Next year in Jerusalem", especially in the Diaspora outside Israel itself. So they've dreamed of Jerusalem all these years but they don't move there and many of them won't even visit Israel or just prefer other destinations. So they've had 70 years to get with the program and just move to Jerusalem. Yet every year, they keep repeating "Next year in Jerusalem". I know you can see the humor.
So I considered what might happen if, say, a bolt of lighting came out of the sky and obliterated the mosque on Temple Mount and scare the Muslims so much that they didn't even want to rebuild it.
And Israel could then build the Third Temple. What I wondered was how many Jews would leave Judaism is they actually had to practice the animal sacrifices demanded in the Old Testament. Would they summon the priestly family, prepare the purification rituals, slaughter the animals, then sell the carcasses in the local market afterward? Or would modern Jews just be so horrified at the thought of handing an animal to a priest to slaughter it to expiate their sins in a blood sacrifice?
I think many of the two most liberal Jewish denominations would just quit Judaism completely. These people are already intermarrying their temples out of existence, no matter what the rabbis do. I think many modern Orthodox Jews, like Ben Shapiro, would also try to find some way not to observe animal sacrifice in a Third Temple.
I think some Orthodox Jews might support the Temple sacrifices. But not all. And some Orthodox Jews don't think that the Israel established in 1947 is the real Israel of which scripture speaks, that it is a fake.
I do wonder just how many Jews in the modern era really want to expiate their sins by handing an unblemished lamb to a priest to have its throat cut at the Third Temple. That's a lot more graphic than just reciting Next Year In Jerusalem every year.
If they did build the Third Temple and started sacrificing, can you even picture the heads exploding over at PETA HQ? You could sell tickets on PPV for a confrontation like that.
Anyway, Jews do give lip service to rebuilding the Temple. And certainly lots of Christian prophecy books describe it as coinciding with the False Prophet, the forerunner of the Antichrist. And the Antichrist will then commit the abomination of desolation (idolatry) in that new Temple. But when you get right down to it, do Jews or even Christians want to see animal sacrifice on altars in the Mideast? I think most of them would hate the idea.
But when you get right down to it, do Jews or even Christians want to see animal sacrifice on altars in the Mideast? I think most of them would hate the idea.
Given what I said above, if I saw it happening again I would denounce it as blasphemous and idolatrous, for the priests are not descended from Aaron.
Given what I said above, if I saw it happening again I would denounce it as blasphemous and idolatrous, for the priests are not descended from Aaron.
I think they'd argue that point with you.
Otherwise, they have a hopelessly dead religion with no qualified persons to administer the sacraments. And no fulfillment of the messianic prophecy. It does little good for a messiah to finally appear (or appear for the second time) if there's no way to conduct the decreed religious rituals.
Otherwise, they have a hopelessly dead religion with no qualified persons to administer the sacraments. And no fulfillment of the messianic prophecy. It does little good for a messiah to finally appear (or appear for the second time) if there's no way to conduct the decreed religious rituals.
The messiah was for the Jews - not the Gentiles. Gentiles were not waiting for a Messiah to fit into our pagan religious structures. We just follow Jesus directly. The Jews were expecting something. What they were supposed to do was FOLLOW HIM and do what he said. That would have added his moral law and the promise of life after death in paradise - which is TOTALLY ABSENT FROM THE TORAH - to the promise of a secure Israel made in the Torah.
10% of the Jews DID follow Jesus, but 90% did not, including the Temple Authorities. Jesus made it CLEAR that the Torah CANNOT BE REVISED, and that the Temple WOULD BE DESTROYED, and God DID destroy it. So now the religion of the Torah IS NOT FOLLOWED ANYWHERE, and CANNOT BE since 69 AD. God Himself removed the necessary place and elements for its practice.
And God NEVER made a distinction between "ritual law" and "moral law" that is a purely made up confection of some people who wanted to do a little bit of both. It's not from God. God said you have to do ALL OF IT, if you're a Hebrew, to get the promise of the Torah, which IS NOT life after death - no reference to that - it's a secure farm in Israel in THIS life. God himself removed the ability to do that. So, the 90% who didn't follow Jesus simply made up a new religion and follow that.
It's not the Torah - most of the Torah is rites. And it's not Jesus. It's a confection of their own. And they don't agree on it. Gentiles were never promised a farm in Israel, and it's pointless for Gentiles to focus on that. When they do, they ignore what Jesus taught, which is the entire game.
Meanwhile, the Church is in steep decline all around.
Christians will either shuck off all of that bad rubbish and follow Jesus, or the baggage of religious tradition they made up will pull them to the bottom of the ocean and what's left of their false religion with it.
Those are the choices. I think Christians are going to stick with the traditions made by their own hands and simply die out. In Europe, they'll be replaced by Islam. In the Americas, by secular democracy.
It COULD be fixed, but nobody wants to do what would be required, so I don't think it actually will be.
It will eventually die there too for exactly the same reasons.
Once people are economically middle class, they will not put up with being abus abused and hectored over matters of private marriage and family planning. They will will simp will will simple starve the church for funds by not coming anymore.
And in those places where the fanatical Christians behave like Muslims, they'll be be stron be be strong for awhile, but eventually they will lose their members to the en enlightenment, when the ideas that moved the North move into Africa.
In China, everything will always be subordinated to Chinese-ness. That's never ch chan ch changed, and it never will.
Now, it COULD be different. But Christians would have to really change. I sense absolutely NO willingness on the part of Christians to change anything. They never admit when they're wrong. So people leave them, and the remainder go down with the ship. It's too bad (is it, really?), but that's the way the r real world works.