If you’ve heard about the Flat Earth theory then I’m sure you’ve asked yourself the question, Why? Why would they lie about the shape of the earth? It’s a pretty big lie, so there must be a pretty big reason!
One of the biggest and most obvious reasons for such a massive lie is for money and world control. NASA makes billions a year off taxpayer dollars for one, and what is all that money going towards if it’s all fake? It takes money to fake a space station in a giant swimming pool and pay a bunch of computer geeks to create CGI’s of earth, but somebody’s pockets are getting full for sure.
NASA was started by men in the occult. All top level astroNOTS are Freemasons and the Satanic Kabballah is taught at NASA while the name “Jesus” has been banned. You can research this yourself. Clearly these men are not promoting science but a pagan religion and a sinister agenda.
The Occult Roots of NASA and the Ongoing Fraud
The Satanic elite have a Plan to create a one world government, or the New World Order, and to hide God and destroy Christianity.
Satan has been working for 6,000 years to deceive humanity and he wants to be God on this earth. His ultimate goal is to get the whole world to reject the God of creation and to worship the Beast and his image (see Rev. 13-14)
Some of Satan’s greatest deceptions and accomplishments have been to overtake the scientific world and convince the general population that we evolved from monkeys and primordial soup (the Evolution Lie) and that everything comes from a Big Bang. These are Satanic lies and I’m sure most Christians would agree. These lies remove God from the universe and destroy the belief in a six day creation. They also destroy the Bible’s validity. Many people have become atheists and God haters because of these pagan Satanic theories.
The Big Evolution Lie: Darwin’s Doctrine of Delusion Debunked
But just think for a minute. What kind of earth does the Bible describe? In Genesis 1:16-17 it says “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them IN THE FIRMAMENT of the heaven to give light upon the earth.”
If God placed the sun and moon IN THE FIRMAMENT then how can they be 93 million miles away? And if it is then the Bible is false.
The Bible also describes an immovable earth (1 Chronicles 16:30) set on pillars (1 Samuel 2:8) on the deep (Isaiah 51:10) with a glass firmament dome above the earth (Job 37:18) that separates the waters below from the waters above (Genesis 1: 7; Psalms 148:1). That is the flat earth model! Is the Bible false or is modern Pagan illuminati Satanic science false?
The flat earth is a stationary, non moving earth, set on a firm foundation with a close sun and moon set in the firmament, or inside the dome. The stars are above the firmament and the “universe” is small and close. We are not hurling through a vast expanding Big Bang universe. We are actually the center of God’s creation.
NASA KNOWS IT’S FLAT! NASA Report Describes a Flat, Stationary, Non-Rotating Earth
The theories of evolution, the Big Bang Theory, Atheism, the New Age movement, the New World Order, and the occult are all based on the ball earth theory. The spinning ball earth hurtling around a giant sun (Pagan Sun Worship) is the foundation for all these Satanic beliefs. Without the ball earth all of these lies fall apart and have no foundation.
On the flat earth model evolution and the Big Bang don’t work. A flat stationary earth inside a glass dome with a close fixed “universe” of stars and wandering stars (planets) rotating around the dome points to a Designer! The flat earth points to God alone as our creator! It blows all of Satan’s deceptions out of the water. It reveals God as the true creator and points all creation to the Bible as the source of all truth, even science.
I’ve had many people now coming to me telling me they were about to become an atheist or were an atheist when they discovered the truth of the flat earth and now they are reading their Bibles!!! It’s amazing! We are on a solid foundation and protected by a dome! God is close and we are the valuable center of His incredible creation!
But Satan hates truth and of course he is going to attack this movement and get Christians to reject it and not even research it. But once people start researching it, there is no denying the truth. All true science points to a flat geocentric earth and the God of the Bible as its Creator. If the whole world knew we lived on a flat earth created by God as described in the Bible, Satan would no longer be able to deceive the world.
The alien deception is also a lie based on the globe model. If earth is flat and there is no space, and aliens are revealed as what they truly are: demons!
Flat Earth Truth of the UFO Alien Deception
I hope this helps you understand better why flat earthers are so passionate about this truth. It is God’s truth for the last days!
60 Bible Verses Describing a Flat Earth Inside a Dome – Flat Earth Science and the Bible
The Satanic Hidden Agenda of NASA and the True Flat Earth – Flat Earth Science and the Bible
200 Proofs Earth is not a Spinning Ball
Poster Comment:
Folks, the source to the Lies and Agenda (and war) is connected by the same tentacles, by the same people who share the same "god".
The real "conspiracy" about our world is how the Ruling Global Elite atheists and sun-worshiper Luciferians have pulled off some of the greatest Psychological Operations is history
What have they ALL in common
The discrediting and dismissal of God, the account of Creation, and the account of the entire first chapter of the Bible, 'Genesis' (and with it, the underpinning of God's Truth
So how exactly have been the masses (even "Christians") fallen for and been indoctrinated from birth to adulthood into rejecting the Creation account of Genesis and substitute and fully embrace an entire interwoven tapestry of the "Big Bang" LIE? The "Evolution" LIE? The 4.3 billion year old earth LIE? The Heliocentric Lie? The NASA LIE?... By indoctrinating everyone from the crib. This psychological coercion has been blasting us with "SEE THE GLOBE!!" "educational" and cultural images, drilling "BELIEVE OR ELSE!!" obedience into our brain so that any and all unproven/un-provable assumptions, pseudo-Science, and LIES quickly become rock-solid dogma and our immovable intellectual default. The primary casualty has predictably been...Belief in God and HIS Creation
HOWEVER...there is now an ongoing been a Great Awakening. (To an important degree thanks to You Tube and its truth-revealing content creators.