Title: Tokyo 2019: The PARADOX of (GAY) PRIDE in the FAR EAST (G-Rated as compared to degenerate XXX-Rated 'Pride' in the West) Source:
YT URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bbzj2r8wn1w Published:Apr 28, 2019 Author:Black Pigeon Speaks Post Date:2019-06-10 15:42:09 by Liberator Keywords:Pride, Queer, Civilized Views:342
Poster Comment:
('Black Pigeon Speaks' is an excellent, worthy analyst of culture and politics. Bookmark it.)
In this case, as one who is quite familiar with Japanese culture he explains, compares and contrasts the two dramatic ways in which the decadent, perverted West "celebrates" is Gay Pride parades as compared to (in this particular case), Tokyo, Japan.
Black Pigeon also notes with no sense of irony the number of Westerners who found their way in the Tokyo Pride Parade...yet remained well-behaved.
As an aside:
What IF a "Christian Pride" parade was organized worldwide? (FWIW, there's already the rumblings of a "Straight Pride" Parade with Milo tabbed to be its "King." The "diverse" Left and "tolerant" Homos fascists are already going ballistic over the possibility.)