4um? They do ban people and if you read the mission statement or whatever on the front page, Christine, IMHO, states that free association will trump free speech on that site. This editorial policy certainly appears to protect the posters there who don't want to be called out for their irrational hatred of Jews. If you point this out, as I have, you get warned or banned. It wouldn't surprise me if posters there believe that I was some sort of Zionista plant sent to disrupt simply because I questioned why a poster used the term "Hebe"...
One of the more bizzarre conversations I had there was over an Irish-American NPR reporter...the person I was speaking with said his name sounded Jewish...
4um? They do ban people and if you read the mission statement or whatever on the front page, Christine, IMHO, states that free association will trump free speech on that site.
I was surprised at all the hubb bubb created when Destro brought up the fact the site might be banned or filtered from libraries due to some of the nasty language used by a few of the inner circle. Like this would be news?
Free association on an internet chat site is just another word for social club when not everyone is allowed the same freedom.