Title: 20 Years an Atheist: Why I Turned ("Easier To Be God-Less"; War in the Comments Section Rages) Source:
You Tube URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJfChqnoUPU Published:Mar 19, 2019 Author:BraveTheWorld Post Date:2019-04-16 20:22:45 by Liberator Keywords:Faith, God, Atheism Views:586 Comments:2
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I write "State" with a capital "S" because it has become our god.
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Poster Comment:
Yes, there are many "testimonies" out there, but this particular presentation is unique and impressive in my opinion.
That this woman is attractive and a Millennial is one reason this vid may be compelling; Beyond that, her English communications skills and command as an Eastern European is amazing.
She asserts that she had always been an ardent -- if not a militant intellectual-Atheist. But..wound up opening her heart and mind. This did not sit well with her former peer group.
This woman appears to convey a sincere honest that's attractive and relate-able from both sides of the God vs. God-less philosophical/spiritual war.
The young lady's rationale and perspective, admission and evolution toward documenting her faith as a Christian is as humble as refreshing. As of three years ago she was a staunch Atheist who admired the likes of Dawkins, Hitchins and the other historical "great thinkers." Christians were once "The Enemy." But now those she once regarded as her friends and allies consider her...a traitor and their "Enemy."
Originally growing up in one of the former the Slav-Communist states, the vast majority of people Eastern Orthodox were intermingled with a half-century of indoctrination into the State "Religion" of "Atheism." It appears the "State Religion" has managed to bear much fruit of the Millennial Generation in the West -- whether in Europe or the US.
Though now committed to Christianity and still growing, she admits that she is still struggling with her new faith because she feels ostracized and alienated by her peer group (thanks to Social Media). She concedes her life was "much easier" when she was an Atheist.
AN ASIDE: The Comments Sections of YouTube can be just as interesting as any respective actual video if not more so. In this case it is especially true -- within the thread rages a fascinating war of words and ideas.
You Tube channels now challenge the MSM and traditional TV fare for viewers. The entire game has changed. Many people are not happy by the loss of control.
By offering almost limitless content, You Tube Channels and it's vast array of subject matter are threatening/replacing the monopoly CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, Discovery, History, Etc have held since the early 1950s. (Once limited to watching via computer, You Tube Channels can be watched on regular TV as part of Comcast, Verizon, and Satellite "packages.")
This also means brand news sources and alternative news and opinion are suddenly available to the public, produced by people like the woman who shared her truth, her testimony -- as well as by you or I. No political agenda or sponsorship whims need apply (At least for the time being.)
As long as You Tube Channel content remains fairly independent and self-financed (by Patreon, Paypal, and other contributions), it need not self-censor or pander to special interest. Although, nefarious forces are indeed censoring and banning certain content it deems "dangerous."
The good news: These kinds of You Tube channels are the new frontier and horizon for freedom of thought external of mainstream control and manipulation of the mind and spirit. (Again...That is only if and when that "new frontier and horizon" isn't heavily censored, quashed, threatened, ghosted, or de-monetized.)