Title: Femi-Nazi Who Grabbed Infowars Host's Crotch At Women's March Arrested Source:
Infowars URL Source:https://www.infowars.com/breaking-l ... otch-at-womens-march-arrested/ Published:Jan 30, 2019 Author:Owen Shroyer Post Date:2019-01-30 20:13:48 by Hondo68 Keywords:Ghey Info-Snowflake Views:749 Comments:3
Sexual assault case moves forward after leftist admitted to the crime on camera
Owen Shroyer provides an update on his case against a woman who grabbed his genitals during this years Womens March in Washington D.C.
Watch the woman assault Shroyer in the video below that went viral with 1.5 million views on Twitter alone:
Here is the moment I was sexually assaulted by a #WomensMarch2019 protester. She laughed about it. The crowd cheered it. The police did nothing. pic.twitter.com/sp93ny0VlU
Sadly, harassment of Trump supporters is nothing new and in fact appears to be increasing.
Click the image below to find a list compiled by Breitbart highlighting 639 other instances Trump supporters were assaulted.
Callers to the show weighed in on whether or not Owen Shroyer should file charges against the woman who sexually assaulted him, some saying he should focus on more important matters, while others said he should hold her acountable for her atrocious entitled behavior.
There is a bit of irony here that seems to be lost on everyone.
Yes, she plainly sexually assaulted him. And it didn't bother either him OR her one bit as evident the reaction of both of them on camera.
The reason it didn't bother him is because he is a man, and the immediate reaction of both of these people illustrates the key point that there is a huge opportunity to make clear to all about this. And that is:
Men and Women are different.
We really are. And the irony is that by pressing charges, this guy is making the case that men and women are the SAME, that they should be treated the same both legally and personally. I'm sure this woman is regretting her actions in being arrested, but by doing so she is also setting an example of what equality should look like.
But men and women are not the same. Women are genetically predisposed to protecting their bodies far more than men are and for very understandable reasons of survival.
So the irony is that by pressing charges, this guy is making the woman's case.