Last week, several news outlets obtained financial records showing that Michael Cohen, President Trumps personal attorney, had used a shell company to receive payments from various firms with business before the Trump Administration. In the days since, there has been much speculation about who leaked the confidential documents, and the Treasury Departments inspector general has launched a probe to find the source. That source, a law-enforcement official, is speaking publicly for the first time, to The New Yorker, to explain the motivation: the official had grown alarmed after being unable to find two important reports on Cohens financial activity in a government database. The official, worried that the information was being withheld from law enforcement, released the remaining documents. Click for Full Text!
Poster Comment:
What of the missing SARs? From whom did the additional $3 Million come?
Who gave the order to remove the SARs from the database?
For a law-enforcement agent to risk everything to expose this coverup speaks to the seriousness of the matter and suggests that the leaker may have shared even more details with Avenatti.
Cohen is in deep shit.
What will he be willing to do to save his ass?
We know the answer......
Over / Under on Cohen rolling over on SH45: 90 Days