It turns out that a lot of accomplished, well-respected historical figures did drugs. From Winston Churchill taking amphetamines to Thomas Edison lacing his wine with cocaine, not everyone who uses narcotics is a hopeless basket case living in a dumpster. While some drug users spiral into addiction and crime, others go on to become president. It's time to debunk the age old stereotypes of the back alley dangerous dealer or the lazy stoner when, according to the National Survey on Drug Use, roughly half of all Americans have tried an illegal drug.
In the latest "Mostly Weekly" host Andrew Heaton breaks down the cartoonish Drug Warrior portrayal of drugs by showing some of the beloved historical figures who used them, including:
More pro drug addict AGENDA garbage. Hitler did the same thing to brainwash his sheep... constant agenda driven PROPAGANDA output.
GI, you are absolutely RIGHT on this issue. POINT-BY-POINT. This is...propaganda.
Hitler, Goering and others within his circle were drug-addled and/or homos/pedophiles while Hitler's original Brownshirt Enforcers were HOMOS.
In his drug-induced haze Hitler took away Germans' guns. This whole weed obsession is about the Elites moving Americans' focus ELSEWHERE, a red herring. In reading article after article on legalizing pot (as the coup against Trump continues, and the nation is inches away from CW2), you'd think the Republic would fall apart without legalizing it.
For the record I support medicinal marijuana. Recreationally, it's a menace because it will be abused AND because it is a de-motivator.
I have been convinced that the intent of this pro-Weed crusade/obsession is nothing but an attempt by the Elites to anesthetize and numb the coming generation while weakening their resolve and opposition to what's coming down the pike: FASCIST NWO POLICIES.
Of ALL hills to die on; of ALL crusades to fight; of ALL political policies to get pissed off about -- THIS one makes a difference??
Freaking NWO Elite fascists, Commies and Anarchists are doing all they can to create CW2, divide the nation and world as millions of Muzzies, Mexicans, and Third World shit-hole saboteurs given carte blanche to invade and destroy a Republic. Guys who served are STILL paying off that tab in personal blood, sacrifice...and life. But somehow the discussion of legalizing pot supposedly "liberates" America?
So imagine this -- pot is legal in all 57 states. *cough*
How many Leftist pods/brains at leftist campuses throughout the US will be all that much easier to brainwash?
How many of them will embrace Communism now that they will not only be living down Mommy's basement till they're 35-40, but now even lazier and MORE irresponsible as pro-Commie STONERS??
How many millions of Mexican AND Americans (many named "Debbie") and Cheech & Chongs will be created?
They will be sheep to the slaughter. Not to mention all the car accidents chronic stoners will be causing.
And can you imagine their reaction to Muzzie Invaders?? "Hey man. Here, take a toke. Wait...Put the machete down, please. No really. PLEASE, DUUUDE....NOOOOOOO!!!"