Title: Report: FBI ordered 4,000+ guns seized from buyers who failed background checks (ATF "retrieval requests") Source:
CBS News URL Source:https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fbi-is ... iled-background-checks-report/ Published:Dec 4, 2017 Author:CBS News Post Date:2017-12-05 19:50:54 by Hondo68 Ping List:*Bang List*Subscribe to *Bang List* Keywords:collect the weapons, Alcohol Tobacco Firearms, gun retrieval request Views:5374 Comments:37
Semi-automatic rifles are seen for sale in a gun shop in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 4, 2017. ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty
The FBI issued 4,170 orders last year to seize guns from buyers who should have been blocked by the federal background check system, according to a new report from USA Today. The purchasers include people with criminal records, mental health issues or other red flags.
The report said that's the largest number of gun retrieval requests in 10 years, up from 2,892 requests the year before. It was not immediately clear how many of the guns were successfully recovered. Once the FBI issues a gun retrieval request, it's up to agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to actually collect the weapons.
"These are people who shouldn't have weapons in the first place, and it just takes one to do something that could have tragic consequences," David Chipman, a former ATF official who oversaw the retrieval program, told USA Today.
The actual number of guns involved may be higher, since more than one weapon could have been purchased in some transactions.
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) system relies on state and local agencies as well as the military to accurately report criminal history and other information. But for years, they have failed to upload critical records with no consequences for failing to follow federal law, CBS News correspondent Paula Reid reported.
Poster Comment:
Jeff Sessions and Trump should just admit that they're busting pot smokers because it's easier than deporting illegal alien "Dream Students", or confiscating guns.
BTW, deporting illegal aliens is Constitutionally mandated and legal, but confiscating guns and busting drug users is NOT.
We live in Police State Utopia, hondo. This is what the framers of the US Constitution had hoped to prevent as they envisioned for and about our highly regarded individual freedoms, liberties and rights besides simple human dignity.
Bucky is an anything goes anarchist. You can't reach him even if you bang his head off a brick wall a few times... still dumb as a fucking pile of bison shit.
I'm the infidel... Allah warned you about. كافر المسلح
When you introduce my moniker in some sort of twisted, weird and archaic way, please ensure you objectively copy "buckeroo" into the chit-chat TO dialogue box.
Yup. Against the grain always. Just for kicks. No one -- not even he knows what he actually believes.
Why do you feel this way, Liberator? Keep in mind, I am longest standing poster on this chit-chat channel and have never expressed my grief for being invited here on "Liberty's Flame."
I continually check in to "Liberty's Flame" and am appalled of and about the chit-chat channel's structure and lack of constraint of poster's perspective which includes yours.
Not really - I usually don't ask someone what their arbitrary label is.
Maybe that's because I'm not a hypercritical, judgemental and narrow-minded prick like you.
Frickin' clowns like you are what's keeping the country divided.
The truth is, there is no right or left. There is only right and wrong.
The party bosses and ardent followers would have you believe otherwise. They would have you believe that right is whatever particular party they belong to, and wrong is the political opposition. This might be true if the sides of today were genuine.
Instead, both parties and most mainstream organizations funnel into the same end result: total control. While the left and right bicker publicly on hot topics," the end result is the same, regardless of who is President, or who is in control of Congress. Less freedoms for individuals, less sovereignty for nations, losses of jobs through insane international agreements like NAFTA, the dilution of American culture, and the over extension of our military.
It's been said that if you don't like what the Republicans are doing, vote for the Democrats, and if you don't like what Democrats are doing, vote Republican. It's set up like a game. I have my favorite team, and you have yours. I'll back my team no matter what, just as long as your team doesn't win.
The problem is, both teams are full of scandalous figures who are so busy selling you and I out for their own personal gain, they have no time or desire to help our country in this time of need. While we Americans are busy cheering our favorite politicos and jeering our least favorites, both sides are pursuing the policy of the destruction of America.
Truth is treason in the empire of lies. - Ron Paul
Those who most loudly denounce Fake News are typically those most aggressively disseminating it.
hypercritical, judgemental [SIC] and narrow-minded prick ... Sorry, I forgot to ping you.
What you should be apologizing for is your hypercritical action when you recently publically chastised Grand Island for misspelling the word loathe.
And yet you, you hypercritical bastard, cannot even correctly spell the word judgmental which is something you as a narrow-minded prick try .try .to deny being.
What goes around comes around .eh?
Proclaim again to all of us and so everyone can see that you falsely deny being a:
hypercritical, judgemental [SIC] and narrow-minded prick
The purchasers include people with criminal records, mental health issues or other red flags.
ALL are un-Constitutional acts. ALL of them.
In what WAS a Free Country,criminals who had served their time and been released from prison had ALL their rights restored when they walked out the prison gates,including the rights to vote and possess weapons.
I'm sure this changed at different times in different states,but it didn't become federal until 1964. For roughly 200 years prisoners had their weapons returned to them as they left prison,and it wasn't a problem.
People with mental health issues so severe they can't be trusted to possess weapons (NOT just guns) should be in mental institutions,so the question of their right to possess firearms is moot.
In the entire history of the world,the only nations that had to build walls to keep their own citizens from leaving were those with leftist governments.
Btw Hondo, conflating this seizure of AWs from lunatics, druggies, and criminals is NOT quite the same as seizing doobies and rolling paper.
It's worse. No one has a Constitutional RIGHT to own rolling papers.
In the entire history of the world,the only nations that had to build walls to keep their own citizens from leaving were those with leftist governments.
Asking permission from fed.gov to purchase or own a gun makes one a slave.
In the entire history of the world,the only nations that had to build walls to keep their own citizens from leaving were those with leftist governments.