Title: Charlie Rose is looking like an idiot on 60 Minutes Source:
TV URL Source:[None] Published:Sep 10, 2017 Author:Tpaine Post Date:2017-09-10 21:24:27 by tpaine Keywords:None Views:1810 Comments:10
Title: Charlie Rose is looking like an idiot on 60 Minutes
I'm not sure that's entirely helpful as a description of him. When exactly is Charlie Rose not looking like an idiot, whether he's appearing on GeezerTV's 60 Minutes (Left To Live) or not?
When you're sure, call someone that gives a shit about petty snipes.
Perhaps you can offer some examples of Charlie Rose's most admirable moments as a journalist. I've never seen him act like anything other than a liberal hack. Which is a primary qualification for being on Sixty Minutes (Until They Turn Off The Ventilator).
He's as awful as Ed Bradley and Mike Wallace and Diane Sawyer, all long-time CBS hacks on that show.
Apparently, you're a Rose fan who is only a little disappointed at this one incident with Rose.
I still don't see where you demonstrated that Bannon left "Charlie Rose looking like an idiot on 60 Minutes", quoting your title. Where did this happen in the interview?
BTW, here is the full interview since you don't seem competent enough to post it yourself.