Trump needs to talk to Michael Corleone to get some pointers on how to deal with this. :)
Si vis pacem, para bellum
Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.
Never Pick A Fight With An Old Man He Will Just Shoot You He Can't Afford To Get Hurt
I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within." -- General Douglas MacArthur
It passed Congress with a veto-proof majority. What's the point? Plus, overriding his veto makes Trump look weak -- and THAT would be the headline.
Make them actually override his veto - not threaten to. And in the leadup to the override, have Trump make clear which Republican he will retaliate against.
Fights cost everybody who fights. If Republicans team up with Democrats against Trump, those Republicans who do it get annihilated in 2018, when Trump actively campaigns against them, and has the various agencies he controls leak all sorts of damaging stuff.
Trump surrendered without a fight here. Not a good sign.
It's sort of like the filibuster in the Senate. It is possible to defeat a filibuster by actually letting them filibuster - but then forcing the actual filibuster - forcing the old men to stand there and talk, day after day, without a break. And if they break down because of a PHYSICAL breakdown - the debate ends. They don't get a "bye" because their bodies physically fail and they can't keep talking.
Because the Senators are old and don't want to be forced to an actual physical endurance test, they've made conventions whereby they just have to SAY they are filibustering, to do it. But that can be defeated by making them actually have to do it - and keep it going until they start having strokes and heart attacks, and let them pause for a minute, and the debate is closed, they've lost the floor, and that is that. Make them pee themselves, exhaust themselves, physically hurt themselves trying to stand there and talk, 24/7/30/12/366.25
In the end somebody will fail or crack, every time - they're old, and they can't send an aide out to do it.
Use their physical frailty to make them destroy their health standing there time and time again, and grant them no mercy and no extra time when one of them collapses.
Want to filibuster? Then we will do it until one of you DIES, and we'll do it again and again. No "allowances", no special rules to avoid the pain. Full on pain, without break.
Make them actually override his veto - not threaten to. And in the leadup to the override, have Trump make clear which Republican he will retaliate against.
In this case, that would feed right into "Trump loves Russia". Not the best time to do this. Plus, Trump needs to pick his fights and this isn't one of them.
"but then forcing the actual filibuster - forcing the old men to stand there and talk, day after day, without a break.