what is the big deal here, the Romans lasted a thousand years, you have had a quarter of that, but then you have had more barbarians to contend with, including many more in your own country, take heart though; decline lasts a long time and remember the Russians know far more about empire than you do, theirs is very old
I think the repetition of the words I listed were the entire purpose of the article, nothing more.
The notion that America is an empire in the sense that the old tsarist empire was or that the Soviet Union was is laughable. And the CIS that replaced it is a pale shadow of what the tsars and commissars had.
I routinely condemn the drift toward an imperial presidency and the vast spread of military bases we have around the world but that is not comparable to a Roman empire or the tsarist empire or the Soviet Union.
America is an empire like was pagan Rome. Very much so!
Ancient Rome used its legions to conquer and rule provinces via appointed governors. Like Herod's family ruled Canaan/Israel. But they directly ruled them, collected taxes, conducted the Roman census (as Joseph and Mary obeyed their Roman census obligation), had Roman magistrates, conducted official business in Latin, maintained the Roman roads, built extensive aquaducts, etc.
Can you say that America does anything comparable? We generally don't conquer anyone (with a few exceptions like Iraq/Afghanistan) and, if we have bases in foreign countries, we don't rule them or tax them or conduct a census or adjudicate in their courts according to American law.
So they are not comparable. Rome directly ruled an empire. America is at most a neoliberal neocolonial superpower with huge economic and military influence.
The two are not the same or directly comparable.
If you want a closer example, the British empire would be much closer to the Roman empire but even that falls considerably short of a fair comparison.
Can you say that America does anything comparable?
Not only comparable, but uncannily similar.
If you cannot see it, you must have exceptionalists blinders on your eyes.
That would be you with jealousy. Every time we go to war it cost America huge in life and dollars. We never financially make a killing by going to war. We never own the land we conquer and we always try to leave it better if the people will allow it. Who has the blinders on?????
Is Vlad paying you to say these things? Because they're daft.
You didn't even address my salient points; you just ignored them and hoped they would go away.
No, America most certainly is not an empire in the sense that the Roman empire was. It's not even comparable to the British empire. That's not to say that we aren't doing a lot more than we should around the world but you should compare apples to apples, not apples to oranges.
You just have an ax to grind on this issue because poor Mother Russia and the weak sister (the EU) don't have the clout that America does.
It's not our fault if we are strong and the EU is weak (by choice) or Mother Russia is weak (due to longterm mismanagement and reliance on a gas-station economy in an era of falling energy prices as America ramps up to finally destroy OPEC's power over world economies).