Title: Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow - West is making a mistake Source:
YouTube URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtAexVHRVBA Published:Feb 17, 2017 Author:anonymous Post Date:2017-07-20 19:41:48 by A Pole Keywords:Church, Orthodox, Russia Views:1625 Comments:12
Russian Orthodox Church and American Evangelicals: The New Alliance!!!
Only because their old alliance with the Communist Party fell apart when the commies lost power. They even backed the CPUSSR candidate against Yeltsin when Yeltsin came up for re-election because the CP promised them they would ban all other religions in Russia if they were elected.
Only because their old alliance with the Communist Party fell apart when the commies lost power. They even backed the CPUSSR candidate against Yeltsin when Yeltsin came up for re-election because the CP promised them they would ban all other religions in Russia if they were elected.
You really must be so stupid? At the height of Communism, Orthodox were persecuted on mass scale, the clergy first.
At the time of Yeltsin, the so called Communists became more or less like old style Labour Party (no Lenin or Trotsky or Dzerzhinsky among them). Yeltsin was allowing Russia to be looted, and any honest Russian patriot was supporting the opposition.
You really must be so stupid? At the height of Communism, Orthodox were persecuted on mass scale, the clergy first.
You are a drone. "Orthodox Priest" was a KGB career field.
Or maybe you think St.Basils Cathedral right there on Red Square in Moscow was somehow overlooked by accident?
You need to either change your screen name or just quit posting. You are making the false stereotype that Poles are stupid seem to be true.
BTW,shithead. I was standing in a hotel lobby right before the election where Yeltsin was re-elected,and watched and listened to the CP candidate give his speech,and saw the Patriarch up on the flatbed truck with him,and saw the official flags of the RO Church flying that were being held by nuns and priests in the crowd. When the speeched ended,all the priests and nuns marched in the parade flying the RO flags.