With New World Order kingpin David Rockefeller dead, heres a look at the top 5 reasons why he was one of the most despised people on Earth and wont be missed.
1. Founder Of Several Secret Societies
David Rockefeller was a huge part of virtually every secret society of ultra rich on the planet. He was not just a member of the Council Of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group he was reportedly the founder. Through these secret societies and others like the occult Bohemian Grove club, Rockefeller conspired to control the media and governments around the world to establish his goal towards a one world government, even once thanking the media for its complicity.
We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. He went on to explain: It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries, David Rockefeller, said speaking at the June 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany.
2. Population Control
Rockefeller is no stranger to the agenda of population control. In a speech on September 14, 1994, during the Annual Ambassadors Dinner, he discussed how the U.N. should sustain the worlds population, noting that improved public health has caused global life expectancy to rise from 46 years in the 1960s to 60 years at the time. Stabilizing the population as Rockefeller called it actually meant sterilization, vaccinations, encouraging abortions, using food as a weapon, and viewing disease and war as a means of correction to stop population growth.
3. Rockefeller Foundation was behind unethical experiments on the population
David Rockefeller joined the Rockefeller Institute board of trustees in 1940, was its chairman from 1950 to 1975, chaired the boards executive committee from 1975 to 1995, and became honorary chairman and life trustee.
4. Globalist Connections
Through his influence in various secret societies, Rockefeller established himself as one of the globalists main front men. Rockefeller and his affiliates had also admittedly been working against USA interests and setting up a one-world political and economic structure (New World Order). In his book Memoirs, Rockefeller admitted to being part of a secret cabal of people doing just this:
The Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have specifically been working together in tandem to create means for depopulation through the use of vaccines. Check out the video below of Bill Gates talking about how this could be done. Gates and Rockefeller are both confirmed Bilderberg attendees and could have been collaborating together knowingly.
Additionally, the CIA and Rockefeller family also have a history working together, specifically in regards to the handling of classified information.
The CIA had used the Rockefellers barn as a vault to store 327 TOP SECRET and SCI documents covering a variety of topics and even suggested giving Mrs. Rockefeller a top level security clearance. The documents were later moved to the Ford Presidential Library.
5. Worldwide Influence
A major study from the Global Policy Forum linked the Rockefeller Foundation as using their money and power to control health and agricultural policies around the globe. Calling them driving forces behind global multi-stakeholder partnerships, the Global Policy forum says that the mushrooming of global partnerships and vertical funds has led to isolated and often poorly coordinated solutions which they claim have contributed to the institutional weakening of the United Nations [and] undermined the implementation of integrated development strategies at national level.
In short, we know that Rockefellers influence at least in the realms of health and agricultural stretched across the globe. Then there is also the issue of the international banking system whose influence spans throughout the world. The Rockefeller family has been labeled as one of the driving actors in this field as well.
After a 1973 trip to China, David Rockefeller praised communist dictator Mao Tse-tung who had slaughtered over 40 million people. Who knows how many people died at the hands of people financed by David Rockefeller?
[David Rockefeller] is in Hell...hopefully to be followed by other globalist warmongers like McCain, Soros, Kissinger, GHW Bush and both Clintons.
Wow! You are condemning people to Hell?
I remember reading at one time .something like this:
God the Father has appointed His Son to be the eternal Judge who will condemn people to hell.
Is that true?
Assuming that it is .then by what right do you condemn people to Hell?
Didnt Jesus teach you, that you should not judge others .when he said:
Judge not lest you be judged.
Just askin
It looks like you skipped a class and missed his lesson .so, maybe this old geezer can help you out a bit.
Lets start by asking .what is Jesus teaching against? Then, answer that by saying .it is not the mere act of judging others. What Jesus taught was specifically against an unique kind of judging .the kind of judging you continually do.
Someone once said:
The type of judging Jesus spoke out against was the ignorantly blind and stupidly hypocritical self-righteous judging you do that overlooks your own faults and sins .looking ONLY to see the failures, sins and faults of others.
I believe that .and you should learn to believe it too.
I trust it has not been too hard for you to learn your lesson for today, young laddie.
For you desperately need to learn it and, above all .learn to live it!
And stop trying to condemn people to Hell, that job is far above your pay grade
None of these one world government dickheads will be missed, the meglomaniacs just keep getting bigger, but there is a great big pit they will all be buried in
There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."Theodore Roosevelt-1907.
I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within." -- General Douglas MacArthur
But you must strive to understand that it was not intentional .and also understand that it is common knowledge [judging from the articles you post and the statements you make] that you live in a complex world surrounding yourself constantly with a fear of government actions and the uncertainty of a bright outlook for our nation of tomorrow.
While I dont share your dismal outlook .I do, however, have a sincere curiosity and desire to understand the core of your beliefs. It is therefore in that interest, and in order to better understand you, that I will ask you a few questions .which of course, you may decline to answer or you may possess insufficient knowledge to answer.
To begin, it has been reported that globalism is only a conspiracy theory and as such: Globalism is a principle driver for the fears that animate the radical right in the United States.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement .and why?
It has also been reported that many of those on the far right conscripting to the conspiracy theory of globalism celebrate Donald Trumps election victory as a momentous blow against the globalist conspiracy.
Have you actively joined in that alleged celebration and if so .where, when and why?
I am intrigued by your great uncontrollable fear and deep condemnation for the globalist.
Can you please list 10 things the globalist did that has specifically hurt you and directly interfered with your right to life, liberty and your pursuit of happiness?
There is no hurry on this, and since some of it may be too complex for you to answer .you may therefore need to consult with hondope to come up with some halfway intelligent answers. I can surely understand if you do.
Can you please list 10 things the globalist did that has specifically hurt you and directly interfered with your right to life, liberty and your pursuit of happiness?
Can you please list 10 9 things the globalist did that has specifically hurt you and directly interfered with your right to life, liberty and your pursuit of happiness?
You seem to love the enemies of America, why is that?
Just for the record, I have no love of any person, american or otherwise, who seeks to use power and influence to rule over others and manipulate the system to his benefit. I know that puts me on the outer with the neocons and leftists inhabiting this place and with those who think multinational capitalism is a good thing.
Can you please list 10 9 things the globalist did that has specifically hurt you and directly interfered with your right to life, liberty and your pursuit of happiness?
1. They left the borders open. That led to more drugs in the country.
2. They left the border open. That let foreigners come in, which cost us money and culture.
3. They let Mexican trucks come across the border. That hurt our truckers.
4. They let foreign goods come across our border in a manner that undermines our workers and makes them compete with pracical slave labor from countries such as China.
5. They got us involved in the Iraq war which cost us north of a trillion dollars with no real benefit.
6. They subjected us to a jurisdiction not our own with international agreements like the UN.
7. They stole our money and gave it to foreigners and called it foreign aid.
8. They gave rocket technology to China so their rockets wouldn't crash anymore.
9. They gave equipment to North Korea to try and appease them out of developing nuclear weapons. When in fact the money helped the develop nukes because if freed up other resources.
10. Smelly arabs now run convenience stores across the land. That a bonus one for extra credit.
I was just checking, Deckard, to see if you were smart enough to come up with a list .and you proved you are too dumb to do so.
Therefore, Stone showed he had the intelligence to do so and he had to do the work for you
Thanks, Stone, for helping the stupid libertarian asshole do something he lacked the ability to do.
Which proves, the poor libertarian asshole misfit needs all the help he can get in this world to see him through his troubled times.
I see you carrying water for Deckard a lot lately .keep up the good work in his defense.
Deckard, here is the man that is going to save you from the evils of globalism and you had best get with the program to start backing him instead of running him down all the time and condemning everything he is trying to do to MAGA
You, Deckard, may now post: Thank you President Trump for all you are doing to Make America Great Again.
Just do it
BTW, Deckard .do you think you can answer the other questions in my post without Stone having to baby you and help you?
Ill answer my own question.
Obviously not, otherwise you would have done so by now.
...to see if you were smart enough to come up with a list .and you proved you are too dumb to do so.
Listen you obnoxious twat - I will post to you when I decide to, you got that?
I don't have to answer to you or anyone else on this forum.
Stone answered the question before I did and made some good points and I agreed. I don't make posts here based on your timetable you abhorrent little clunge - now shut your gaping maw and stop trying to boss people around.
...here is the man that is going to save you from the evils of globalism
Oh - you just stated earlier that globalism is a "conspiracy theory".
It's funny - you always scoffed at any mention of the NWO before - now that St. Donald is president, you've suddenly become a conspiracy theorist?
Good grief - you really are a confused piece of work, aren't you.
Truth is treason in the empire of lies. - Ron Paul
Those who most loudly denounce Fake News are typically those most aggressively disseminating it.
Yours is not a bad list that could be refined for more details and clarity .consequently, I find the below list to be a much better explanation of the disadvantages of globalism:
Figure 1. Chinas energy consumption by source, based on BPs Statistical Review of World Energy data.
In fact, there is also a huge increase in world coal consumption (Figure 2, below). Indias consumption is increasing as well, but from a smaller base.
Figure 2. World coal consumption based on BPs 2012 Statistical Review of World Energy
2. Globalization increases world carbon dioxide emissions. If the world burns its coal more quickly, and does not cut back on other fossil fuel use, carbon dioxide emissions increase. Figure 3 shows how carbon dioxide emissions have increased, relative to what might have been expected, based on the trend line for the years prior to when the Kyoto protocol was adopted in 1997.
Figure 3. Actual world carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, as shown in BPs 2012 Statistical Review of World Energy. Fitted line is expected trend in emissions, based on actual trend in emissions from 1987-1997, equal to about 1.0% per year.
3. Globalization makes it virtually impossible for regulators in one country to foresee the worldwide implications of their actions. Actions which would seem to reduce emissions for an individual country may indirectly encourage world trade, ramp up manufacturing in coal-producing areas, and increase emissions over all. See my post Climate Change: Why Standard Fixes Dont Work.
4. Globalization acts to increase world oil prices.
Figure 4. World oil supply and price, both based on BPs 2012 Statistical Review of World Energy data. Updates to 2012$ added based on EIA price and supply data and BLS CPI urban.
The world has undergone two sets of oil price spikes. The first one, in the 1973 to 1983 period, occurred after US oil supply began to decline in 1970 (Figure 4, above and Figure 5 below).
Figure 5. US crude oil production, based on EIA data. 2012 data estimated based on partial year data. Tight oil split is authors estimate based on state distribution of oil supply increases.
After 1983, it was possible to bring oil prices back to the $30 to $40 barrel range (in 2012$), compared to the $20 barrel price (in 2012$) available prior to 1970. This was done partly by ramping up oil production in the North Sea, Alaska and Mexico (sources which were already known), and partly by reducing consumption. The reduction in consumption was accomplished by cutting back oil use for electricity, and by encouraging the use of more fuel-efficient cars.
Now, since 2005, we have high oil prices back, but we have a much worse problem. The reason the problem is worse now is partly because oil supply is not growing very much, due to limits we are reaching, and partly because demand is exploding due to globalization.
If we look at world oil supply, it is virtually flat. The United States and Canada together provide the slight increase in world oil supply that has occurred since 2005. Otherwise, supply has been flat since 2005 (Figure 6, below). What looks like a huge increase in US oil production in 2012 in Figure 5 looks much less impressive, when viewed in the context of world oil production in Figure 6.
Figure 6. World crude oil production based on EIA data. *2012 estimated based on data through October.
Part of our problem now is that with globalization, world oil demand is rising very rapidly. Chinese buyers purchased more cars in 2012 than did European buyers. Rapidly rising world demand, together with oil supply which is barely rising, pushes world prices upward. This time, there also is no possibility of a dip in world oil demand of the type that occurred in the early 1980s. Even if the West drops its oil consumption greatly, the East has sufficient pent-up demand that it will make use of any oil that is made available to the market.
Adding to our problem is the fact that we have already extracted most of the inexpensive to extract oil because the easy (and cheap) to extract oil was extracted first. Because of this, oil prices cannot decrease very much, without world supply dropping off. Instead, because of diminishing returns, needed price keeps ratcheting upward. The new tight oil that is acting to increase US supply is an example of expensive to produce oilit cant bring needed price relief.
5. Globalization transfers consumption of limited oil supply from developed countries to developing countries. If world oil supply isnt growing by very much, and demand is growing rapidly in developing countries, oil to meet this rising demand must come from somewhere. The way this transfer takes place is through the mechanism of high oil prices. High oil prices are particularly a problem for major oil importing countries, such as the United States, many European countries, and Japan. Because oil is used in growing food and for commuting, a rise in oil price tends to lead to a cutback in discretionary spending, recession, and lower oil use in these countries. See my academic article, Oil Supply Limits and the Continuing Financial Crisis, available here or here.
Figure 7. World oil consumption in million metric tons, divided among three areas of the world. (FSU is Former Soviet Union.)
Developing countries are better able to use higher-priced oil than developed countries. In some cases (particularly in oil-producing countries) subsidies play a role. In addition, the shift of manufacturing to less developed countries increases the number of workers who can afford a motorcycle or car. Job loss plays a role in the loss of oil consumption from developed countriessee my post, Why is US Oil Consumption Lower? Better Gasoline Mileage? The real issue isnt better mileage; one major issue is loss of jobs.
6. Globalization transfers jobs from developed countries to less developed countries. Globalization levels the playing field, in a way that makes it hard for developed countries to compete. A country with a lower cost structure (lower wages and benefits for workers, more inexpensive coal in its energy mix, and more lenient rules on pollution) is able to out-compete a typical OECD country. In the United States, the percentage of US citizens with jobs started dropping about the time China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.
Figure 8. US Number Employed / Population, where US Number Employed is Total Non_Farm Workers from Current Employment Statistics of the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Population is US Resident Population from the US Census. 2012 is partial year estimate.
7. Globalization transfers investment spending from developed countries to less developed countries. If an investor has a chance to choose between a country with a competitive advantage and a country with a competitive disadvantage, which will the investor choose? A shift in investment shouldnt be too surprising.
In the US, domestic investment was fairly steady as a percentage of National Income until the mid-1980s (Figure 9). In recent years, it has dropped off and is now close to consumption of assets (similar to depreciation, but includes other removals from service, such as removals because manufacturing has moved overseas). The assets in question include all types of capital assets, including government-owned assets (schools, roads), business owned assets (factories, stores), and individual homes. A similar pattern applies to business investment viewed separately.
Figure 9. United States domestic investment compared to consumption of assets, as percentage of National Income. Based on US Bureau of Economic Analysis data from Table 5.1, Savings and Investment by Sector.
Part of the shift in the balance between investment and consumption of assets is rising consumption of assets. This would include early retirement of factories, among other things.
Even very low interest rates in recent years have not brought US investment back to earlier levels.
8. With the dollar as the worlds reserve currency, globalization leads to huge US balance of trade deficits and other imbalances.
Figure 10. US Balance on Current Account, based on data of US Bureau of Economic Analysis. Amounts in 2012$ calculated based on US CPI- Urban of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
With increased globalization and the rising price of oil since 2002, the US trade deficit has soared (Figure 10). Adding together amounts from Figure 10, the cumulative US deficit for the period 1980 through 2011 is $8.6 trillion. By the end of 2012, the cumulative deficit since 1980 is probably a little over 9 trillion.
A major reason for the large US trade deficit is the fact that the US dollar is the worlds reserve currency. While the mechanism is too complicated to explain here, the result is that the US can run deficits year after year, and the rest of the world will take their surpluses, and use it to buy US debt. With this arrangement, the rest of the world funds the United States continued overspending. It is fairly clear the system was not put together with the thought that it would work in a fully globalized worldit simply leads to too great an advantage for the United States relative to other countries. Erik Townsend recently wrote an article called Why Peak Oil Threatens the International Monetary System, in which he talks about the possibility of high oil prices bringing an end to the current arrangement.
At this point, high oil prices together with globalization have led to huge US deficit spending since 2008. This has occurred partly because a smaller portion of the population is working (and thus paying taxes), and partly because US spending for unemployment benefits and stimulus has risen. The result is a mismatch between government income and spending (Figure 11, below).
Figure 11. Receipts and Expenditures for all US government entities combined (including state and local) based on BEA data. 2012 estimated based on partial year data.
Thanks to the mismatch described in the last paragraph, the federal deficit in recent years has been far greater than the balance of payment deficit. As a result, some other source of funding for the additional US debt has been needed, in addition to what is provided by the reserve currency arrangement. The Federal Reserve has been using Quantitative Easing to buy up federal debt since late 2008. This has provided a buyer for additional debt and also keeps US interest rates low (hoping to attract some investment back to the US, and keeping US debt payments affordable). The current situation is unsustainable, however. Continued overspending and printing money to pay debt is not a long-term solution to huge imbalances among countries and lack of cheap oilsituations that do not go away by themselves.
9. Globalization tends to move taxation away from corporations, and onto individual citizens. Corporations have the ability to move to locations where the tax rate is lowest. Individual citizens have much less ability to make such a change. Also, with todays lack of jobs, each community competes with other communities with respect to how many tax breaks it can give to prospective employers. When we look at the breakdown of US tax receipts (federal, state, and local combined) this is what we find:
Figure 12. Source of US Government revenue, by year, based on US Bureau of Economic Analysis Data.
The only portion that is entirely from corporations is corporate income taxes, shown in red. This has clearly shrunk by more than half. Part of the green layer (excise, sales, and property tax) is also from corporations, since truckers also pay excise tax on fuel they purchase, and businesses usually pay property taxes. It is clear, though, that the portion of revenue coming from personal income taxes and Social Security and Medicare funding (blue) has been rising.
I showed that high oil prices seem to lead to depressed US wages in my post, The Connection of Depressed Wages to High Oil Prices and Limits to Growth. If wages are low at the same time that wage-earners are being asked to shoulder an increasing share of rising government costs, this creates a mismatch that wage-earners are not really able to handle.
10. Globalization sets up a currency race to the bottom, with each country trying to get an export advantage by dropping the value of its currency.
Because of the competitive nature of the world economy, each country needs to sell its goods and services at as low a price as possible. This can be done in various wayspay its workers lower wages; allow more pollution; use cheaper more polluting fuels; or debase the currency by Quantitative Easing (also known as printing money,) in the hope that this will produce inflation and lower the value of the currency relative to other currencies.
There is no way this race to the bottom can end well. Prices of imports become very high in a debased currencythis becomes a problem. In addition, the supply of money is increasingly out of balance with real goods and services. This produces asset bubbles, such as artificially high stock market prices, and artificially high bond prices (because the interest rates on bonds are so low). These assets bubbles lead to investment crashes. Also, if the printing ever stops (and perhaps even if it doesnt), interest rates will rise, greatly raising cost to governments, corporations, and individual citizens.
Listen you obnoxious twat - I will post to you when I decide to, you got that?
That is an obvious cope out and defensive mechanism, meaning that you dont have the intelligence to answer my question and you are hide .like you hide behind your mamas skirt when you were a spoiled brat.
I don't have to answer to you or anyone else on this forum.
And the reason of course is, that you are not intelligent enough to do so .all you are capable of doing is to copy and paste fake news and yellow journalism articles and link to other sources when you are asked a question or need to make a statement.
Stone answered the question before I did and made some good points and I agreed. I don't make posts here based on your timetable you abhorrent little clunge
Bullshit .you didnt have time thats a lie. You have massive amounts of time .your continuing stream of posting articles proves that. BTW, you post on the time your TV station employer pays you to be working for him. Does that mean in addition to being a liar .you are a cheater? Many would say so
...here is the man that is going to save you from the evils of globalism Oh - you just stated earlier that globalism is a "conspiracy theory".
Okay, here is the man who is going to save you from the evils of conspiracy theories. He is going to save you, Deckard, from everything you dislike and get those bad old boogey men out from under your bed, the ones you are so eternally afraid of. Hows that .better?
Good grief - you really are a confused piece of work, aren't you.
Only in your mind, you young laddie .ONLY IN YOUR WARPED MIND .where confusion reigns supreme 24/7/365.
Listen you obnoxious twat - I will post to you when I decide to, you got that?
That is an obvious cope out and defensive mechanism, meaning that you dont have the intelligence to answer my question
Oh my - here goes Gatlin again with his deluded sense of superiority. Guess what? As much as the voices in your head keep telling you that you are the expert on everything, guess what? You ain't.
I will post to you WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT!
The only purpose you serve at this forum is that of a whipping boy, someone who deserves scorn and ridicule. There's no point in having an intelligent debate with you - the word "intelligent" is not in your meager lexicon.
BTW, you post on the time your TV station employer pays you to be working for him. Does that mean in addition to being a liar .you are a cheater? Many would say so
Fist of all - it is none of your fucking business what I do with my free time at work - got that you disgusting example of smegma?
Your seeming ignorance of globalism, aka the NWO is frankly pathetic.
Yeah, just a big joke to you. Just a "conspiracy theory" when the facts are there for anyone to see.
What I find truly laughable about you is your unfettered worship of Trump - just like the ignoramususes who believed that Bush was the "Great White Hope" in 2000.
I admit Trump has done some good things, but at the end of the day, he's just a puppet, like any other president we have had in the past 40 years.
...everything you dislike and get those bad old boogey men out from under your bed, the ones you are so eternally afraid of.
Good grief man - are you for real? Being aware of the NWO plans does not make one afraid of them.
"Boogey men"?
Sure, whatever - there is no plan by the elites to institute a global government, religion and economic system.
You really are a simpleton, you know that?
Truth is treason in the empire of lies. - Ron Paul
Those who most loudly denounce Fake News are typically those most aggressively disseminating it.
You have pretty well convinced everyone that you dont work for anyone .you do not work at all, posting on LF is definitely not work
And you spend far too much time during the day on many various forums while sitting in your chair at the computer in a TV station to be considered working for someone.
If fact, you have definitely shown by your actions that you are a cheat .arent you ashamed?
I should have known better that to ask a libertarian if he has any shame .sorry about that, disregard the question.
And you spend far too much time during the day on many various forums while sitting in your chair at the computer in a TV station to be considered working for someone.
Various forums? Making shit up again I see.
Listen asshole, I don't work for you - I do my job and I do it well enough to have free time to respond to your idiocy.
Mind your own fucking business....
Truth is treason in the empire of lies. - Ron Paul
Those who most loudly denounce Fake News are typically those most aggressively disseminating it.
It was you the other day who reposted here of LF to sneakypete, a phrase someone used to against him on another forum
That is strong evidence that you participate in other forums, it not participate .then you spend time monitoring them, and that is the same difference.
Ya know .you just cant stop continually stepping in your own shit.
That is an inherent problem with libertarians .is it not?
I do my job and I do it well enough to have free time to respond to your idiocy.
If you have ENOUGH FREE TIME to spend all of the time you are spending posting on LF during your work day on .then there is no question that you are either over paid or under performing.
I do my job and I do it well enough to have free time to respond to your idiocy.
Woah, there Bubba.
The time when you are on the clock working for your employer is not your free time .its your employers time, time your employer is paying you to work for him or her.
And it is ironically hilarious that you, of all people, are posting on another thread about Stealing from the Citizenry.
A survey released by time-clock vendor Kronos showed that employees are cheating their employers with the timekeeping system. The employees routinely steal pay from their employers for time the have not worked. Their thievery includes clocking-in earlier or clocking-out later than scheduled, having someone else clock them in or out, neglecting to clock out for lunch or breaks, or adding time to timesheets [along with spending a great deal of time each day, while they are on the clock, posting articles and comments on different chit-chat forums].
You have no credibility to post condemnation on anything about stealing or cheating matters .you lost that a long time ago.
Deckard, you really need to recuse yourself from discussing anything pertaining to the subjects of stealing or cheating.