Title: Donald Trump Weakens State Dept As Vladimir Putin Would Want Source:
YouTube URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzYjebmHlPM Published:Mar 9, 2017 Author:TRMS/MSNBC Post Date:2017-03-09 09:44:17 by Willie Green Keywords:None Views:20219 Comments:152
Why should Trump have to work with Obama appointees?
They're not partisan appointees. They're career staffers who span multiple administrations.
Trump is damaging the State Department Infrastrucure... the Institutional Memory that provides stability, congruity & continuity to our foreign policy.
hey're not partisan appointees. They're career staffers who span multiple administrations.
Trump is damaging the State Department Infrastrucure... the Institutional Memory that provides stability, congruity & continuity to our foreign policy.
There can be no continuity of policy with with Cold War era. That is what "continuity" means, and what the Democrats, Establishment Republicans, and State Department staffers who span multiple administrations want.
They do not want to change their minds and to start treating Russia as a potential ally and a partner. They want to continue what they know. What they know has always been American policy before, and they institutionally believe that that continuous, stable policy is "American interests".
But American policy has abruptly CHANGED with this election. The American People voted to BREAK with the past and to choose a man who want to be friends with Russia and ally with them against Islamic terrorism.
The State Department staffers want continuity with the past, and they are resisting the President of the United States, and resisting the new American policy. Therefore they and their institution must be broken and fired and removed and replaced, to the extent necessary, to bring it to heel politically. They may not be political appointees, but they DO have a politics, and the institution has a politics. But the politics of the nation, the duly elected Chief Executive, are DIFFERENT from their long standing politics. American national interests have CHANGED, but the State Department staffers do not accept the change. They want continuity with the past. Therefore, because they will not come to heel and implement the NEW policy, they and their institution have to be damaged, and ultimately broken if necessary.
The State Department staffers, political or permanent, serve the POLICY as established by the President. They are not entitled to their OWN "policy", and they are not entitled to determine what "American interests" are. American interests are determined by elected politicians, specifically by the elected President. HE is in command of the State Department, the ENTIRE State Department, the permanent staff too, as well as the political staff. They can't be removed for being the opposite party, but they CAN be removed if they seek to pursued a policy in opposition to the President.
The People chose to make peace with Russia. Trump campaigned on that, and he was elected.
The NSA, CIA and State Department have decided to try to overrule the People, and the President, because THEY have decided that peace with Russia is "not in American interests", and that Trump must be stopped and undermined.
Therefore, the CIA, NSA and State Department have to be "damaged" very aggressively until they are broken, if necessary, to bring them back to heel and back firmly under political control.
ALL of the agencies of the United States, including the military, intelligence and foreign policy, are MEANT TO BE subject to ultimate POLITICAL control. They are not MEANT to have independent power of their own to set policy. They EXECUTE policy, but policy is DECIDED by politicians, NOT staffers. Staffers implement policies they are GIVEN BY POLITICIANS, they do NOT have the power, or the right, to decide what policy will be against the will of the politicians.
ALL policy of the United States, ESPECIALLY NATIONAL SECURITY AND MILITARY AND FOREIGN POLICY, are COMPLETELY subject to civilian political control. Political control is determined by the President, who is elected by the people.
Staffers in the State Department, the CIA and the NSA don't want peace with Russia, so they have sought to attack the President, to challenge his power as the sole and final decider of US Executive power.
Therefore, these agencies must be cut down to size, damaged, weakened, even destroyed, and staffers fired, removed for insubordination, prosecuted and imprisoned for leaks - to the extent necessary to bring them firmly back under the command of the elected political authorities whom they serve.
The NSA, CIA, FBI and State Department, at all levels, has no right whatever to have a will of its own. They are agencies who exist to be marionettes of the will of the elected President and his political staff.
The CIA and FBI and NSA and State Department are SUPPOSED TO BE under political control. So is the military. All of it. There is NOTHING in American government that is supposed to be ABOVE political control. The CONSTITUTION ITSELF is subject to political amendment.
THAT IS DEMOCRACY IN A REPUBLIC. Staffers do not have the power or authority to resist the will of their political masters. When they do by leaking information, they are criminals who should be prosecuted and destroyed like any other spy. A State Department man who seeks to prevent peace with Russia is not acting in American interests. The President was elected to make peace with Russia. Staffers who seek to undermine that policy are enemies of American policy and need to be driven out.
There can be no continuity of policy with with Cold War era. That is what "continuity" means, and what the Democrats, Establishment Republicans, and State Department staffers who span multiple administrations want.
You might as well say "span multiple generations" as many of them actually represent old-line New England as well as OLD England banking families.
There is a VERY incestuous relationship between Old Money European banking families and the US State Department. The old family people like the Harriman's seem to be out of the picture these days,but in many cases they are still there,but hiding under the names the Harriman daughters and their daughters married into. One married a man named Prescott Bush in the last century,for example.
These people represent no one but themselves and the family banking interests. Sometimes that is the same as American interests,but that is just a coincidence.
You might as well say "span multiple generations" as many of them actually represent old-line New England as well as OLD England banking families.
There is a VERY incestuous relationship between Old Money European banking families and the US State Department. The old family people like the Harriman's seem to be out of the picture these days,but in many cases they are still there,but hiding under the names the Harriman daughters and their daughters married into. One married a man named Prescott Bush in the last century,for example.
These people represent no one but themselves and the family banking interests. Sometimes that is the same as American interests,but that is just a coincidence.
Old line families are not much anymore.
The problem is that corporations simply amass too much money and power too quickly, with much greater command and control. Families are quarrelsome, small, and the individuals don't have staffs to deal with one another the way that corporate bodies too.
It's swell to be part of an old line family, and there is certainly the security of wealth there for many of them, but the wealth fades in comparison to the wealth of modern corporations. There are very few truly large wholly family-owned corporations.