Representative democracy, American style, took one in the groin on Tuesday when Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and House Speaker Dennis Hastert abandoned rule of law; as a governing concept, opting instead to allow illegal aliens to dictate immigration policy by "mob rule."
Following a day of protest in cities all across America by hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, Frist and Hastert, in effect, surrendered to the mobsters by announcing that those here illegally would not be regarded as felons, a provision of HR 4437.
Are Frist and Hastert really so naive as to believe that coddling and pandering will cool-down the passions of anarchistic mobsters whose main objective is to return the US Southwest to mother Mexico?
In truth, our esteemed leaders have sent a very foolish and dangerous message to third-world outlaws: The rule of law and the interests of American citizens will be completely ignored if enough illegal aliens stage "Sí se puede!" marches to demand non-existent rights.
Besides engaging in sheer political stupidity, Frist and Hastert are also guilty of treason by abdicating their sworn oaths to uphold and defend the US Constitution.
Treason is still a felony, right? Or have Frist and Hastert managed to subvert that law as well?