Title: Russia roasts ... Samantha Power - 19.01.2017 - Source:
YouTube URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc2pM6WYsKQ Published:Jan 19, 2017 Author:Inessa S Post Date:2017-01-27 07:38:34 by A Pole Keywords:Russia, UN, propaganda Views:811 Comments:1
Unfortunately for me [Inessa S] - Samantha Power's address at the Atlantic Council was around an hour long. I had to listen through most of the cringe-worthy statements in order to find and select the phrase that Maria Zakharova referred to in her briefing (featured at the end). If you like, you can follow this link to the Atlanic Council, in order to listen to the full address by Power. Given that every other sentence is a lie - your ears will bleed, you've been warned: