Sadly, we have watched over the past eight years as our country has been swallowed whole by a looney left-wing ideology reminiscent of de facto communism. Domestic terror groups such as Occupy Wall St., Black Lives Matter, and New Black Panthers have been afforded legitimacy by a radical and ignorant Obama Administration.
Such groups are funded by billionaire Communist and Democrat supporter George Sorors, who is hell-bent on turning America into a cesspool of hate.
Soros is also backing the Anti-Trump riots, with their mass-printed signs, Craigslist ads, and printed instructions on How to Riot.
We as Americans must SOUNDLY REJECT the staged communist take-over attempts on our democracy by delegitimizing domestic terror groups like Black Lives Matter, and send a clear message that we will NOT be bullied by paid aggressors.
Handouts on how to RIOT.
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