In the Terminator movie franchise, the Skynet artificial intelligence is put in control of nuclear arsenals. On its own, Skynet decides that people are the threat and more or less launches Armageddon to try to eliminate them.
According to a report in Joseph Farahs G2 Bulletin, a top Russian official believes putting machines in charge of nuclear weapons is not all that farfetched.
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the Russian defense industry, said in a report in Russia Today that he recently discussed the concept in a meeting with students at Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Lets consider the Hollywood movie The Terminator,' he said. Once humans realize they are incapable of acting fast enough, they delegate the decision over launching a retaliation nuclear strike to a machine, Skynet.
Russia Today explained that that with NATOs deployment of military systems near Russias border, Moscow would have less time after receiving a launch warning to decide on whether to respond with a nuclear strike of its own.
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