Not before me. I remember when you were still for Rand Paul.
I was the first.
Negative. Rand was my first choice BUT, even back then, I called TRUMP the likely next president... cause I knew the voting populace was tired of politicians. Rand, Ron and KILLary are all politicians.
I still think Rand was a better choice... but TRUMP was my second choice and KILLary was my LAST choice. Unlike the drug addict lovers, I'll vote "the lesser of two evils" ALL DAY LONG. It's called making THE BEST CHOICE... if you aren't a PAULTARD.
But Stone, you did call it as early as I can remember... and you even reminded all the PAULTARDS that TRUMP was gonna win.
I'm the infidel... Allah warned you about. كافر المسلح
Hillary campaign calls it a night and leaves supporters at her HQ with nothing but an announcement from John Podesta. There's still votes to count, bla, bla, bla.
I predicted this long before anyone on this site. Get use to it, PRESIDENT TRUMP.
I am celebrating with you, but I'm not at all sure you predicted this long before anyone on this site. I first predicted this on this site many moons ago, and I have been accurately predicting things for 25 years now. When did you predict Trump would win? (just asking, but irregardless you were also right on the money)
I did catch the end at 2:40 am and Trump's gracious IMO victory speech.
I saw that Hildabeast was supposed to speak at 9:30 am, but haven't seen it yet, not that I need to see it live. I'm sure I'll catch a replay later on.
I'm finally a Trump fan and will give a him clean slate from this point forward.
Kellyanne Conway: "Things that were true: undercover Trump vote; @mike_pence for VP; Hillary's floor & ceiling r same; rally crowds matter; we expanded the map."
You DID predict it. I wanted him to win, and thought (as did my fellow Michigan fat-boy, Michael Moore) that he would do it by winning Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa). I remember last Thanksgiving telling a slack-jawed room full of family and friends that Trump would be the GOP nominee and win the election, and explaining why.
You came at it from a Biblical perspective.
We were both right.
So, what do you say is going to happen next? Do you have a suite of prophesies? I'd be interested in reading them.
When you're right, and everybody else is wrong, like you were (and I was), you're right, and folks who like to be right take notice.
So, I've taken notice. What else do you have coming up for us on your schedule?
A TRUMP victory must be really emotionally painful for a white hating filthy libtard like you.
The tears you'll cry because libtarded politically correct MSM and a urban zoo animal fucktard president can't envoke racial tensions every time a shit colored criminal gets gunned down.
Sucks to be you. I'm enjoying that.
I'm the infidel... Allah warned you about. كافر المسلح
I've been right since last Thanksgiving about Trump. You've been wrong at every step. I know you hate him, but wouldn't it be nice to at least know realistically what is going to happen, instead of blundering from fantasy to fantasy?
I'd suggest you and me talk for awhile about what is really happening in the country, because I've been calling things right, and you have not. Instead of doubling down on error, maybe broaden the things you consider.
Trump caused the Republicans to gain in the House and hold the Senate. That was not the virtues of the individual candidates, or a Republican surge: they were expected to lose the Senate. It was Trump's coattails. Of course the GOP Congress is not going to go after their new rock star President. They're going to follow him.
He humilated everybody. Loose cannon? He looks liks a genius now!
Congress is not going to go after their new rock star President. They're going to follow him.
They may, but the enemies of an infrastructure renaissance and America first policies will be coming out of the woodwork soon. They won't be highly visible. They'll employ their proxies to dog Trump from the left and dog Trump from the right.