Not only am I famous (on beliefnet anyhow) for predicting 9/11, I am also famous for my prayer on 9/11, also made on beliefnet and included in beliefnet's book on 9/11 called "From the Ashes" (on page 251-252): "Our blessed Lord and Savior, who promised to not bring peace but a sword (Matthew 10:34), I pray not for peace but for war as also all the martyrs in heaven pray, that their deaths may be avenged (Revelation 6:9,10), and that this remaining face of evil be wiped out."
What do you guys think about my prayer?
I will tell you this. Out of the 200 prayers offered on beliefnet, mine is the only one that prayed for war, and mine is the only one that was answered, and boy has it been answered. That's because I know what to pray for and who to pray to. In other words, the other 199 posters prayed for peace, and most of the prayers were offered to either Allah, Buddha or "all the Gods and Godesses").