"has it dawned on any one yet that this idiot is stark raving mad."
Because he wants to enforce existing law?
Has it ever occurred to you that the way we currently handle immigration and illegal aliens is sheer lunacy? Sanctuary cities, catch-and-release, welcoming Syrian refugees, government assistance (including welfare, education, healthcare, and food stamps) to illegals, and voting rights.
Illegals cost us $100 billion per year -- money we don't have. You want to keep them and add more? Who's stark raving mad?
No, because he thinks the national interest is served by repeating stupid ideas. It is not stupid to propose a wall, a wall of sorts is already being constructed, but to suggest he can arbitrarily demand and enforce his will on another sovereign nation. It is stupid to suggest that the citizens of another nation are all criminals, drug dealers and rapists. It is stupid to conduct talks with a leader of another nation when all you are going to do afterward is antagonise the citizens of that nation.
There is no political capital in enforcing existing laws, but he sees political capital in making radical pronouncements
Moron he can tax wetbacks payments they send back to Mexico.
Dump is a legend in his own bathroom. Yes he can tax everything that moves including you but what you are talking about is trade war with a NAFTA partner. I expect you will find the cartels will create a lucrative business laundering payments after all they have to get their money back already so just a tweek is needed.
Dump spouts off at the mouth without thinking the implications through, tax the payments and the payments find a way around, like more holidays in Mexico with legals as mules, deport the illegals and the crops don't get picked, etc. Americans don't like living without slaves, sorry, servants or serfs. The blacks gave up working in the field years ago. renegotiate international agreements. Goodbye free trade, I feel a tariff coming on