C*cks Not Glocks: Univ. of Texas Austin Students Protest Gun Law with Open Dildo Carry
Posted on 8/25/2016 6:55:14 PM by HomerBohn
" a="a" absurdity="absurdity" absurdity,"="absurdity,"" all="all" allow="allow" allows="allows" anti-gun="anti-gun" are="are" around="around" at="at" austin="Austin" away="away" but="But" called="called" campus="Campus" campus.="campus." carry,"="Carry,"" carrying="carrying" classes="classes" coincided="coincided" concealed="concealed" could="could" deadly="deadly" december.="December." decided="decided" dildo="dildo" fighting="fighting" flagship="flagship" for="for" given="given" glocks:="Glocks:" has="has" hundreds="hundreds" illegal="illegal" in="in" is="is" it="it" jessica="Jessica" jin="Jin" jin,="Jin," kinds="kinds" land="land" last="last" law="law" leader="leader" not="Not" obnoxious="obnoxious" of="of" on="on" or="or" organized="organized" protest="protest" rally="rally" return="return" said="said" said.="said." sex="sex" similar="similar" src="https://pajamasmed.hs.llnwd.net/e1/trending/user-content/51/files/2016/08/UTAustinCarry3.sized-770x415xb.jpg" street="street" students="Students" texas="Texas" that="that" the="the" theater="theater" to="to" toys="toys" toys?="toys?" trouble,"="trouble,"" university="University" university's="university's" ut="UT" walking="walking" weapon="weapon" weapons="weapons" wednesday="Wednesday" were="were" where="where" why="Why" width="600" with="with" you="you" />
It isn't "all obnoxious or illegal to allow deadly concealed weapons on campus." The real absurdity is that this student doesn't understand a law was passed which means it is, by definition, not illegal to conceal a firearm on campus. These kids need to spend more time in the classroom.
On August 1, a law went into effect that allows properly licensed permit holders aged 21 and older to conceal a firearm on campus. Faculty and students tried to block the law, but to no avail. The reason for blocking the law: "the combination of youth, academic stress, alcohol and firearms could make for a deadly combination," describes Reuters.
By the way, the least stressful time in your life is when you are at college: no rent due, student loans to pay back, mortgages, leaking basement, children to manage, aging parents, or soul-sucking 9 to 5 job to deal with.
The protestors shouted "If you are packing heat, we are packing meat," and handed out sex toys that had been donated by local stores. They were also distributing zip ties so the special anti-gun snowflakes could display their objection to the law.
"It's scary to think that at any moment you could be next to a person carrying a gun. And if they go off their rocker, like a lot of people do in college, it is game over for anyone nearby," said Bianca Montgomery, a second-year student.
The Univ. of Texas, like many other American institutions of learning is puking out self-centered, depraved half-wits.
Dear God in Heaven, please deliver our now pitiful nation from the hands of Satan!
Perhaps it would be better for one to have a sister in a whorehouse, than a brother at the University of Texas!
"Hey, Muslim mass murderers! Venture onto the U of T campus, we're unarmed and we'll hit you with a dildo."
How about a sign, "Fighting Mohammad with a vagina" with the appropriate graphic representations?
God-less, aimless campuses where students have entirely too damned much time on their hands and their brains would be better used in a lab jar of pickle juice.