I have watched GOP leaders bash Trump. I have watched Demoncraps bash Trump. I have watched the MSM bash Trump. What I see is that in the end if the good hard working people do not stand up and fight progressives. We are condemning ourselves and in reality throwing away our children's lives because of our pride.
If Hillary wins its over for the GOP, conservative movement and America all in one stupid elections. Well its not really one elections but many elections built up to one major blow to America because of the short sighted people worried about what people will think of them if they actually stand their ground and say no to the most corrupt person to ever hold an office. Yes Trump is an ass but being an ass is not the same as be an ass and the most corrupt person in history.
All I can say is set aside your pride and step back and see the big picture. If Hillary is elected the GOP will not stop Hillary but embrace her and her corrupt progressive ways while America burns to the ground. There will be no third party, no rebuilding the GOP or uncivil war. It will an Oligarchy.