The Phillipine President has launched a real war on drugs, you cannot applaud his methods but he is effective, now how is it the shame war on drugs in the US hasn't been so effective. is it that americans just don't trust the cops?
According to police data, 293 suspected users and pushers were killed during police operations between July 1 and July 24. Human rights groups say this figure does not include countless people murdered by vigilantes in street executions.
Studies show, that drug dealers/users that are shot and killed are 100% less likely to repeat offend.
And Paultards bitch that we are tooooooo mean to drug criminals, and we are soft compared to this country.... and Paultards have the NERVE to wonder why we're losing the war on drugs.
Studies show, that drug dealers/users that are shot and killed are 100% less likely to repeat offend.
And Paultards bitch that we are tooooooo mean to drug criminals, and we are soft compared to this country.... and Paultards have the NERVE to wonder why we're losing the war on drugs.
Litterers that are shot and killed are 100% less likely to repeat offend. Should we take that approach to win that war?