An Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama
By Murron; LibertysFlame; Oct. 06-2008
Attention: Barack Hussein Obama
Just How Hard Is It For You To Show Proof Of Your American Citizenship? Why Would a Man In Your Possition Duck and Dodge, Procrastinate, Ignore Something This Important? Do You Consider Yourself Above the Law? Do You Believe The People's Right To Know Who You Are Beneath Contempt?
Do you, Barack Obama, actually think for one moment I would accept you as my president if you do not produce "proof" that you are a U.S. Citizen?
If you are any sort of man with a backbone at all, step forward and lay this question to rest. If you honestly care for the people of America, step forward and produce your Birth Certificate, proving you are a U.S. Citizen. It's not that hard to do, we, the little people you so smuggly ignore, we are asked to produce proof ourselves, everyday of our lives who we are, what gives you the authority to deny the voters of this country the right to know who you are, and where you come from, but you dare ask us to place you in the highest office of this nation?
Up until now, all you have proven is that you are someone who can duck and dodge, wheel and deal, bluff and weasel your way out of important issues. The most important though, your Citizenship to this country.
So far, you have bluffed your way, lied and shuck jived most Americans, but not ALL of us have fallen for it, not all of us accept you at face value, because we see you have many faces to fit many situations.
Barack Obama, you will NEVER sit in the office of the president of the United States if you do not step forward on your own and produce proof you are a U.S. Citizen, the people, dispite how stupid you may think they are, they will NOT accept you as their president. The only way you'll ever make them accept you and your BS, is by FORCE! Is that what you have in mind?
Show proof and let this question mark on your head be done with, dropped, once and for all, one way or another. You are not being asked to do anything that any other citizen of this country would be asked to do, so do not think for one moment you stand alone and/or are being attacked.
You ask us to vote for you as president of the United States? We, the American People, ask that you produce proof that you are an American Citizen!