Mr. Cruzs campaign sent reporters a video of an interview with Mr. Trump from 1999, when he said on Meet the Press that he was very pro-choice and that he was more likely to support gay rights because he lived in New York.
It is a little bit curious that he is now offended at the notion that he embodies New York values, Mr. Cruz said.
These two Hillary Campaign clowns are about done, finished, kaput. Time for Marco Rubio to get the nomination, and lose.
Mr. Cruzs campaign sent reporters a video of an interview with Mr. Trump from 1999, when he said on Meet the Press that he was very pro-choice and that he was more likely to support gay rights because he lived in New York.
Trump, as we used to say in the army, has shit in in his mess kit with his loud mouth. Cruz has dug this up on him from 17 years ago and released it days before the Iowa primary when there's no way for Trump to squirm out of it in the time remaining. I need to ask myself, "What does Trump really stand for and what are his real committments." There's a good probability that this has put that bitch Hillary in the White house.
A few days ago I wrote the following reply to a post: "Politicians don't lie any more, they just repudiate their position back and forth depending on how the wind changes or which group they are talking to. How much they will re-repudiate after winning office is anybody's guess. Anyone running for office should have given an issue enough depth of serious study so that repudiation is not necessary. Repudiation of position on major issues is the sign of a deceptive or weak mind that disqualifies someone from holding office."
They haven't begun to dig into Trump's past . His association with the Atlantic City casino scene led him to have associations and deals with all types of sleazy characters .
Trump named William F Buckley as an example of a NYC conservative . But for every Buckley there has to be 100 comrade Sandinista Bill De Blasio s. Trump used 9-11 in his rebuttal which was a nice deflection .But it did not answer the premise of Cruz' charge ;that Trump has more in common with the liberal elites running the city than he has with conservative America.
Trump does exactly what McConnell and Boehner should have done, speak loudly against the destruction of America by the Progressives. Other than that, he is doing exactly what he planned, making Hillary the next POTUS.
17 years ago Trump was pro-choice. He has changed his mind. In any case, the Republican Party will nominate Trump, or they will lose another election and slide further and further into oblivion. Trump can win, because he harnesses up the anger of the white working class, who have gotten the shaft. Republicans cannot get the white working class anymore because their policies are skewed to the super-rich. Meanwhile, the flood of illegal (and legal) immigration and the low birth rate of whites means that with every passing election that the door is left open, the electorate is more and more replaced. Trump can win, and when he does, he will close the door. That will give America a chance to recover. No other candidate will do that. Democrats will leave the door open: they're importing their majority! Republicans are for the rich, not you, and they support open immigration because the rich get cheap exploitable labor out of it. Trump was pro-choice, as was Reagan. Trump changed his mind, as did Reagan. Trump changed his mind. As did Reagan. Trump never signed pro-abortion legislation into law. Reagan did. Trump is white America's last hope for preserving the culture. Toss him aside because of his past impurity on abortion. Well, if you need people to be perfect in their pasts, then you can vote for nobody, because nobody is perfect. And most people are very far from perfect. The closest thing you'll get to perfect and pure are some quietly sincere religious people. None of them ever run for President, because the nature of the office is not sacred, and truly religious people do not aspire to worldly power. So you're stuck with imperfect candidates from which to choose. You're going t go with the Establishment candidate. I sure hope you're rich, because if you're not, you're blind.
You're going t go with the Establishment candidate.
You're mistaken about that. I don't have to choose amongst the crapweasels in the debates! At least Trump meets the eligibility requirements for the job. He started off well by saying that he wouldn't necessarily back the GOP nominee, but then flip-flopped to possibly becoming a Jeb! supporter. He's been on double secret probation ever since.
I like whomever hammers the hardest on the bushbot neocon anti-American globalists, Rubio, Cristie, and of course Jeb!. They're the big threat as far as I'm concerned.
The D&R terrorists hate us because we're free, to vote second party "We (government) need to do a lot less, a lot sooner" ~Ron Paul
17 years ago Trump was pro-choice. He has changed his mind.
I'm beginning to wonder if he ever had a mind. Seventeen years ago he should have been a fully grown thinking adult with cognizence of long term individual and social consequences rather than a slaphappy trendy teenager. He wasn't. I wonder how deep this supposed change of mind really is, or whether it's only a temporary ploy used in running for office.