Front-running GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump would end up "the largest loser of any candidate ever in the history of the country" if he were the party's standard-bearer in 2016, Sen. Rand Paul tells Newsmax TV. In a no-holds-barred interview with "The Hard Line" host Ed Berliner to air Monday night at 9 p.m. ET, the Kentucky Republican running well behind Trump in national polls and struggling with fundraising says the brash billionaire's "attitude" is "so polarizing" that if he were the Republican presidential nominee, "we'd get just swamped in a landslide."
"There's still time
and this is why it's such a disaster and why Donald Trump would be probably the largest loser of any candidate ever in the history of the country if he were our nominee because he so polarized the debate."
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Poster Comment:
Gee what a left wing loon. He is real asshole. A real establishment prick.