Forty to fifty Americans are fighting with Kurdish forces against ISIS jordan matson Retired US Marine Jordan Matson joined the YPG Kurdish fighters to fight ISIS in September 2014.
Jordan told Greta Van Susteren in February that there are 40-50 Americans fighting with Kurdish forces against ISIS
LQQKs to me, that you have a lot "wants" that have never materialized. It isn't your fault, either. You were brought up on the notion of the tooth faerie or the Great Pumpkin can save you.
Now, you have changed your tune to The Donald. Good luck! He wants to bomb the ME into oblivion.
Now, you have changed your tune to The Donald. Good luck! He wants to bomb the ME into oblivion.
What's *your* ME plan?? AND among the current field *your* favorite candidate who in your estimation best re-calibrates and revitalizes an "America-First" governance?