Just watched Bernie Sanders on Meet the Press this morning,and if anything Bubbette! is going to have to "run right" to compete with him. In FACT,most of what he said was to the right of the majority of the alleged Republican candidates.
He was all about bringing jobs and manufacturing back to the US,shutting down trade deals with China,ending 3rd world immigration,etc,etc,etc.
Based entirely on what he said on teebee this morning,*I* am more likely to vote for him than any of the alleged Republican front runners.
I would say "I would damn sure vote for him before I would vote for JEB",but the truth is I would vote for Satan before I will ever again vote for anyone named Bush,so saying it about Sanders would be meaningless. I'd damn sure vote for him before I would vote for Lady Lindsey,though.
Poster Comment:
Let the flames begin!