Darn it! Those pesky concerned citizens are at it again, always looking up in the sky and calling in worried that the government is poisoning us
Thank goodness Steve the weatherman is here to explain everything. Well I guess that clears that up, right guys?
Comments from YouTube :
anavash2 days ago (edited)
I hope this guy gets hit by a bus with Jesus driving. Yah that's just totally normal. I mean I live in AZ and when i first moved here the sun shined constantly. But now I walk outside in the morning and the sky is totally covered over with shit and god knows what from planes crossing the skies in a grid pattern. Totally normal! That's always happened! And they always block out the sun somehow like magic! Thanks Bill Gates and whoever else is insane destroying our skies! I feel so sorry for newborn kids. They have no god damn chance whatsoever. It hurts to be aware of the luciferian agenda for this planet. I'm completely defeated.
The bastards did that to us in Colorado. When I was a kid, the skies were clear as a bell (except for a cloud of smog over Denver -- hey, it wasn't perfect) and now they'll take a day that's perfect at sunrise and haze everything up by 9AM. Fuckers. May they burn in Hell.
Bobbo Seas 2 days ago This must be what he is telling himself!! Funny just today I seen a airplane one was leaving a thick white chemtrail as another plane was leaving a contrail!! Right beside the chemtrail I would love to hear is explanation for that!! At least lots of ppl are calling in and demanding answers!!
Bob Snake Plissken2 days ago
This man's thinking indicates a condition very close to senility or as he is with the major media perhaps he is a well-paid fool just doing his job. Using his 'logic' one needs to wonder why these contrails do not appear every day since airliners operate heavily every day without fail. I grew up during the 60s and do not remember seeing anything close to these contrails. Come the mid 90s these started to appear. Now tell me folks what changed back then? ... and don't tell me the jet fuel changed.
captguy14u1 day ago
He makes a POOR LIAR !!!....I would like to ask this CLOWN how he EXPLAINS when TWO JET AIRLINERS are flying in the SAME SKY and ONE is LEAVING A TRAIL and the OTHER IS NOT???....Or better yet....When the CON-TRAIL STARTS - STOPS - STARTS - STOPS...DURING A SINGLE PASS OVER...Or when you have WATCHED them CHEM-TRAILING a part of the day and then all of a SUDDEN it ALL STOPS and or VICE VERSA ???....The guy is EITHER an IDIOT or a TERRIBLE LIAR...You decide !