(Excerpt) "The religionists [aka "fundies'] in the GOP have dug a big whole for the party and it's hard to see how the party digs itself out of it.
The only answer for the GOP is to become more like the Western, libertarian wing of the party and less like the Southern, wing.
They need to focus on economic growth, innovation, and jobs and shut up about things like gay marriage and their kooky views on rape. The also need to talk more about the broad, classically liberal values of the American Enlightenment and less about the vengeful, punishing values of the ancient desert Hebrews.
Poster Comment:
Jwpegler never fails to expose his own bottom line position as a greedy moral relativist capitalist who is more than willing to sell his soul. AT ANY COST. he and they are the kind of moral relativist who have given Republicans a bad name and ruined the brand to begin with. Yet, here he stunningly blames the lack of votes NOT on socialism, Leftist propaganda, and crony socialism/capitalism and corruption of values, but...the "church" of the GOP. But that's not all...
He is blaming "fundies" again and their quaint penchant for tying the LACK of morals and ethics to...Social anarchy. Societal moral relativity. dishonest scales. Nice values, pegler. How much has the stock value of soul decline today??
Do you have odd thoughts -- like opposing an activist court that "marries" two men? Do you oppose a state that enforces the public accomodation and acceptance of "right" of sodomists that bypasses the legislative process? Do you oppose government shutting down Christian business -- coerced by activist courts? If so, Jwpegler would like to have a word with you: "SHUT UP" an take it!!
Do you oppose rape and find it an issue that requires proper moral governance and jailtime in a polite society? Jwpegler thinks you're "kooky."
Do you believe that the "liberal values" of Deists are most responsible for establishing this Republic? Or that the Founders the bedrock of America (who were 95% Christians?)
In his wildest political fantasies and historical delusions, jwpewgler believes "liberal values" and Deism were the main driving force of the American Founders.
And finally, do any of you EVER "focused" on "vengeful, punishing values of the ancient desert Hebrews"? Or rather abide in the Ten Commandments of the God of Abraham and Moses?
Pwpegler thinks you're an "unenlightened," unsophisticated hick.