If we want to change this country we are going to have to be patient. It isn't going to happen overnight or possibly anytime soon. We need to pray and ask God for guidance, for forgiveness. That is the first thing that needs to happen. Our nation as a whole has thrown god out of our nations affairs.
One of the things we got wrong was when the Supreme Court took prayer out of our nations schools. This was a gross abuse of power. They claimed the constitution forbid it. Even though it had been the practice throughout this nations existence. Even though the constitution said no such thing. The Federal Government like an master of its slaves told us to stop doing something we had a God given right to do. The nation should have ignored the Court as they had no such legitimate authority. That changed us.
Another thing that those who rule us have done is to import so many foreigners here to our nation. Changing our culture. California is expected to become majority Hispanic in the very near future. If it isn't already there. These people come from a different culture and bring different values and beliefs to our country. Why should foreigners have a say in what we do? They shouldn't is the obvious answer. They are trying and succeeding at changing us. This trend must be stopped if we want to have any resemblance to what America has always been. That is not to denigrate any human being. However if we are to retain our culture and pass it off to our children and to them theirs, as all people want to do. Then this must happen. Lest other peoples children write Americas future. Do you want that? I don't. No one in their right mind wants that. It is nothing to be ahamed of. It is not racist. Don't let the mentally ill leftists shame you into believing that it is so.
Then their is the fact that our government has been taking our rights away from us. This has been happening throughout our history But here lately at a greatly accelerated pace. We have turned into a police state as many have noted. Democrats mainly but also Republicans have done this to us. We have to talk to our neighbors and win them over to our side. On important things like the government listening to and recording everything they possibly can about us. You know the whole In S A thing. Because the only way to win this thing is through changing minds. Convincing people in our sphere. It isn't going to be through violence or any type of rebellion. I don't see that happening. It has to be through ideas. Through truth. We can change the entire congress every two years. That is one of the things that we need to do. Replace every democrat and every establishment Republican. Replace them with people who believe in God. Not ones who pretend to then vote against nature with pretend legislation in an attempt to legitimize perversion. People who support good things. People that are moral and not afraid to take a stand. No more luke warm people in office.
But it is going to take more then changing the leaders. We are going to have to start going back to church. Reading the Bible. Teaching our children right from wrong. Not being afraid of what some left wing lunatic thinks. Their mental decencies are not to be negotiated with. Their ideas need to be defeated and ridiculed for the utter nonsense that they are. They need to be laughingstocks. That is the ones who are unreachable and will never be open to reason and light.
That is just a few things we can do to try and turn the tide that is turning America the Beautiful into America the prison.