Great birds. It's a shame the peeping tom pervert do-gooders are going to ruin everything, by trying to micromanage a system that's been working well for thousands of years.
The nature preserve will likely bring in chainsaws, bulldozers, and Quickie Marts. ObamaPhones and food stamps for the natives who will be pushed into reservations, to "protect the environment". The Sierra Club nature nuts will leave a trail of shocks, mufflers, and other assorted Porsche and Volvo parts while ripping up the hillsides, in the process of disturbing the birds who are trying to get it on.
That's what they do at the Condor sanctuary in the Mohave. They like to run over endangered tortoises too.
We dirt bikers try to protect them from the nature nuts, but it's a losing battle.
They get these eco-nut bulletins, and then head out to wreak havoc on the environment, because they want to get some critter porn pics. Then they complain to the BLM, and they put up signs saying no OHV's allowed. It's a continuation of Bill Clinton's "roadless initiative"/UN agenda 21.
The D&R terrorists hate us because we're free, to vote Third Party
"We (government) need to do a lot less, a lot sooner" ~Ron Paul
The nature preserve will likely bring in chainsaws, bulldozers, and Quickie Marts. ObamaPhones and food stamps for the natives who will be pushed into reservations, to "protect the environment". The Sierra Club nature nuts will leave a trail of shocks, mufflers, and other assorted Porsche and Volvo parts while ripping up the hillsides, in the process of disturbing the birds who are trying to get it on.
Seems unlikely on New Guinea,where there are damn few roads and even fewer people,electricity,running water,or air conditioning.
It's so remote and backwards that even the trendy rich crowd don't go there.
Beautiful birds,though. And their dancing and displays really crack me up.
Why is democracy held in such high esteem when its the enemy of the minority and makes all rights relative to the dictates of the majority? (Ron Paul,2012)