OK, just in case anyone was wondering, THERE AIN'T NO CONSTITUTION AT THE BANK.
The bank (FEDERAL RESERVE) owns the FEDERAL BUREAUCRACY and you. All events are taking place within the bank and NOT THE ORGANIC place called America.
Try to comprehend that the so-called Constitution was set up under an honest monetary system of gold and silver coinage, which comes from the earth (land) and wherever this system operates there is common law (supreme law of the land) and potential for a Constitution. It's called CHOICE OF LAW. Choice of law is dependent upon the MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE employed by the parties. The commercial paper we call money dictates the usage of commercial law. (Greymist, the CON sti-stupid is a red herring to some degree and keeps patriots from actually refusing to cooperate with the criminal motherfuckers in D.C.)
As long as the population uses FRNs and FEDERAL CREDIT or takes benefits from the FEDERAL (reserve) GOVERNMENT - get used to being told what to do or not do by assholes like the cops in this video because you are a fucking slave to the conveniences and niceties provided to you by the nigger - Uncle Sambo !